Chapter 1

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I've got to be honest, I was completely and totally out of my mind the night my new life went to shit.
"Here's the thing, I was this young teenager, being forced to become the queen of an entire species. As if I wasn't going to completely crack under that amount of pressure! Not to mention my douche of a mate who so sweetly left me behind for 3 years to go do whatever the fuck it was he was doing. So I decided to say fuck it and leave. I mean, how fucked up is that? So I left behind my shitty ass werewolf life-"
"Wait whoa dude what did you just say?" Some random kid from the group of people I was telling my life story too, yelled out. I just rolled my eyes.
"Dude, I said, I left behind my werewolf life to become my own person! Carve my own path in this world you know?" At that the group I was talking too all stood up and cheered and the same guy from before shouted out again, "that's so rock and roll brother! I'll drink to that!"

Man, I loved this generation the humans called "millennials".

Hours later, the party I was at was going even harder. When I ran away from the kingdom, I was determined to find a place where I could fit in with people who didn't really care about each other, let alone others past history, and a place where I could have fun. So I went to college. And don't even ask how a refugee werewolf queen could afford this overpriced place.

Lets just say, 'Crazy large wolf robs bank' was trending on twitter for months.

Anyhow, two years later, and I was living the life. When I entered the human world, I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it would be for me to hide. You see, werewolves, while not oblivious to modern technology and advances, weren't quite as savvy as these humans. All of this social media wasn't a thing back at home, so now I get to be in public and not worry about the scouts finding me.

Like I said earlier though, this was the night that my new life went to shit and as I wandered through the house, I had no idea what was waiting for me outside, and just how pissed off it was.

I couldn't stop coughing. The joint in my hand was definitely some of the strongest stuff I had ever had, and that was saying something. Trey, the guy who gave it to me, grabbed it back and just smiled at my misery.
"Rough hit babe?" He grinned while inhaling again, "don't worry, your first time is always the hardest." All I could do was bend over and flip him off, trying to catch my breath.
"Fuck you trey. Jesus where the fuck did you get that shit from?" I was finally able to stand up, but as soon as I did the world took on a whole new vibe, "shit dude, that stuff got me fucked up on one hit."

Trey laughed and took another inhale of his own, "you know I won't tell you where I got it, but trust me, it's good stuff." Ah yes, the dealer never rats out the supplier. Good god, I needed some water though. Or vodka. Yeah, I needed some more vodka.

"Well shit, I'm going to go find something to drink, and probably take a walk outside." He just waved me away, already invested in rolling another joint.

I turned around, and started weaving through the packed house. Every step I took, I realized just how high I was, and it took me half an hour to get to the outside, because I ran into 100 of my nearest and dearest friends. So obviously I had to stop and talk and take pictures.

What can I say? Mary Jane makes me happy.

Finally making it outside, through all the sweaty bodies, I emerged into the kitchen and pushed past a couple making out to go outside. Feeling the fresh air on my skin automatically gave me goosebumps, and had I been in my right mind, I would have realized it might have been something else entirely. Walking towards a lone keg in the backyard, I was intercepted by Megan, an old roommate and still close friend.
"Ahh! Kat! I've been looking for you for like, ever!!" I winced when her voice got a couple octaves higher towards the end.
"Jesus, Meg, relax, I'm right here. And I need to be right over there by that keg, so walk with me." Beer was important. Beer was life. As I started walking away, Megan wobbled slightly on her too high heels and came after me.
"Babe, slow down, you know I can't keep up in these things." Proving her point, she tripped and lost her balance and fell against me. Suddenly being forced to hold her weight, the beer I just poured sloshed around and a small amount fell onto the ground. I just stared at it, then back at Megan, trying to convey my annoyance in a scathing look. She just laughed and righted herself on the pavement, "it's just beer babe," okay yeah, but still. Waste not, want not am I right?

"I mean, here's a thought, but I don't know, perhaps you shouldn't wear those shoes then?" You wouldn't catch me dead in those. I mean yeah, I was also 6 ft tall which is like super large for these tiny humans, but still. Heels aren't necessary for life. Megan, obviously didn't agree with my logic though and just rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, but Jason just looooves it when I wear them. Says they look good when I wrap my legs around his-" I had to cut her off
"Ew, okay stop yeah I get the picture." I chugged some of my beer and shivered. Megan laughed and flipped her hair over her shoulder.
"You just really need to get some nice dick-" and whatever she said was completely cut off by a rather large, very loud growl. Coming from the forest. At night. Which means only one thing. Fuck.

I looked at Megan, wondering if she heard and what do you know she did because it sounded like a fucking airplane was landing 10 feet from us. Before she could start panicking I quickly started talking.
"Wow, you know what Megan, I smoked a lot inside and now I think my stomach is growling. Could you go inside and see if you can grab me some food? Yeah, I'm just sooo hungry you know?" Before she could even protest, I shoved her towards the house and not knowing what else to do, she went inside. I noticed how her pupils were dilated, so I'm hoping I wouldn't have to explain this to her tomorrow.

Even though I was twisted, I could still here the branches breaking as someone walked through the woods. Towards me. I looked down at the beer in my hand, and without turning to face the woods, I tilted my head back and chugged the entire cup. Whatever was about to happen, I knew I was going to need it. Crushing the cup and dropping it, I turned to face the woods, ready to see what the Kingdom has sent for me this time.

All of these years, I had bested the supposed best of the werewolf species. The top scouts were never able to track me down, or I always made it seem like I was hopping around from place to place when in reality I had been in this one college town for nearly 3 years.

Looking into the woods, I was almost excited to see what I was going to face off this time. Even with my senses dulled slightly, I was ready for the challenge.

Squaring my shoulders, I faced the dark woods proudly, awaiting whatever was going to come out of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2017 ⏰

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