Chapter 04

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We are here now at the clinic it has been 5 hours
Suddenly Brykz is talking I dont know beacause he's asleep I guess his a sleep talker

"A..angelica!! dont leave me!!"
I tried to wake him up but he's hard to wake up
"Brykz wake up,wake up,wake up!!"
I had enough so I slap him then he finally woke up
"What were you dreaming about??"I asked him
"I..I didnt have a dream!"
"Yes you do you were talking at your sleep"
"What did I say?"
"Angelica dont leave me!!"
"Ummm uhhh"
"What does that even mean??..why were you shouting my name in your dream??"
"None of your buisness"
Then all of a sudden the boys came in
"Brykz..youre awake"Clyde said
"Dude are you ok??"Jepoy asked
"Ye..yes im ok"
"Ill better keep going"
"wait!"Brykz told me
"Dont ever go near us ever again"Brykz said
"Whatever"then I just roll my eyes at them

When I was at the ground the boys trap me I was in the middle they were formed circle

"You know what"
"No I dont"
"Yes you do"
"Just get out of my way I am late at my math subject"

I tried to escape them but they were tough

"Just leave me alone"
"Not until you admit it"
"admit what??"
"admit that you have a crush on Brykz"
"even if I want to I will never do that because I dont have a crush on hin"
"Fine but we wont leave you alone"

Then I finally got away from them I escape because there was a little space that fits me so I ran

"Get her!" Brykz commanded but I didnt saw him
I just ran and ran and ran until I found one little house inside the school so I hid there after a few minutes Ron found me

"Guys here she is!!"
"A little princess running away from an handsome prince"Brykz said
"Who's the princess??" Clyde asked
"Angelica Santos"

Wait did she just call me princess?

"No one calls me princess!!!"I yelled as I kick his manhood
"Brykz are you ok???" Ron asked

Did I just did that??
No no no no no no no!!! how could I do that to a bad boy I am always scared of them I I dont want to do it but he pushed my niceness away

"Angelica look what you did"
"It was his fault not mine"
"Why did you do that??"
"First of all I hate him second his a bully and third I hate being called princess!!" Then I just walked away just like nothing happened

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2017 ⏰

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