10: Speaking: Trenton

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I was was walking, aimlessly, waiting for any sort of purpose. I heard a big gust of what sounded like wind, and I started looking for the origin of the deafening sound. While I was looking around, in fear and confusion, all the others were still just walking.

"Emeril is coming back," one of them said, walking past and seeing my confusion. I started to see the figure of a giant humanoid figure with wings fly in from the ceiling. I needed more answers than I had at that moment, so I walked up to him, both scared but also mad. I was being punished for buying something from a store that looked interesting. Emeril landed in its chair, and all the hands from under the chair started grabbing the hanging clothes hanging off the monster. I stormed up there and he saw me, but as I got there, I wasn't. I was in a dark room but I could see a person through the ceiling. It was Carli, touching a planchet.

I sat for a minute, watching her, hoping she would do it. I needed her to know to get rid of the cursed board, before Emeril tried to bring her down here. She was only nine. She didn't deserve to be here forever, never growing.

"Who can I talk to?" she asked, not knowing what doom she was in so much danger. I didn't exactly know how to make the planchet move, so I just started verbally talking.

"Trenton Callus," I said aloud, and the planchet started to glide upon the surface of the board. I didn't care to answer her questions, just to alert about the board's dark secret.

"Get rid of the board! Give it to someone else! Don't keep it! Don't Interact with the board, you'll be trapped with me!" I told her, figuring out that my emotion wouldn't go through the board, just words. She sat there for a minute, thinking about what I said. Then she laid down and slid the board under the bed. I could here Brie walk in and take the board, scolding Carli for playing with it. The ceiling screen faded to black,and the wall suddenly had a door. I walked towards it and when I touched the handle, I was back in the room, standing in front of Emeril.

"I see you've had your first experience with talking to people through the board. How was it, leading someone into their own demise?" Emeril asked me, a grin growing from ear to ear.

"How can you do this? How can you force people to be damned to this or even where my friends are, and still be happy while doing it?" I asked him, an idea growing in my head. I was going to jump into where my friends were at. I needed to at least try and get them out, no matter how much I'm hurt in the process.

"Because it-" he started to answer my question but I jumped. I looked up as I was falling and saw is smile now literally grow from ear to ear. Then I landed. I heard my legs snap when they hit the ground. I screamed out in pain and saw how disfigured my legs were now. I should have been dead, that high up would have normally killed me, but I noticed how fast I started to heal. After only twenty seconds, my bones had been completely healed.

"What the?" I asked, looking around me. There were, from my count, ten people around me. Dakota, Jasmine, the five cops that had all been killed, and Jasmine's family, who had been killed. And my mom and dad. Emeril had killed them.

"Guys, I'm here," I said, but they were less responsive than the people in the board. I walked up to Dakota and grabbed his shoulder. My eyes went dark and again, I was somewhere else.

It was the night we did the ouija board. It wasn't from my point of view though, it was from Dakota's. After we got done playing it, he stood up, unwillingly I assumed, and walked towards the blackness of the woods. He turned around, looked at us, then was dragged in the darkness farther. Then it replayed. I returned to my body but Dakota stayed, unmoving reliving his worst moments over and over in his mind. HIs eyes had gone from a light green to a colorless, emotionless nothing. I had imagined punishment as being tortured physically, not mentally. I started backing up, not able to look into his soulless eyes any longer. I ran into Jasmine though, and her worst memory started to play in my head.

She was driving home from Brie's house. She turned to see the back of her car, and she had a shovel, a gun(the same one used to kill Dakota), and other sharp objects. After driving for a short time she pulled into her driveway. She got in the back seat of the car and acquired her weapons. She walked in and spoke to her family until she got them outside. It was her mom, Lily, who was her eight year old sister, and her dad. Her older brother and middle sister had already matured and left the house.

"Hey mom! It's been a-" Jasmine started to say, but she pulled a knife from her back pocket and stabbed her mother in the neck. Her dad and sister screamed.

"Jasmine, what are you doing?" Her dad ran towards her, but she pulled the gun out and shot him through the head. He hit the ground, his blood spraying on Lily. Lily was crying on the ground, curled up into a ball. Jasmine walked up to her.

"It'll be okay," she said softly to her terrified little sister. She hugged her and pulled the already bloody knife from her pocket and drove it into her small sister's head. She immediately was killed. Then her memory restarted. I was pulled out and had a realization. Emeril had made her kill her parents, even her eight year old sister. E had no mercy, E killed to affect people, not caring about morals. I went to see my parents, but I didn't want to know their scariest moments. I couldn't bring myself to walk to them. I had dragged them into this nightmare because I was a stupid kid who bought a ouija board. I heard the wind of E's wings fly in. I turned to look at the terrible monster.

"You killed children. How, how did you do this? She was eight," I stuttered out. I was mad, disgusted, and a whole other slew of emotions I couldn't describe. I stood in shock, not knowing what to do, and Emeril spoke. "You killed my parents!" I screamed at E.

"I see you've found their punishment. If you're wondering, her family's punishment is watching their own death," E said said to me, ignoring my second statement about my parents, laughing at me when I slid to the ground. I couldn't imagine being forced to watch that endlessly, but I thought about it, I might have been.

"Did you do it to me? When I saw the woods over and over again?" I asked, realizing the punishment had at been put on me. I had experienced it also. The hell he had given his victims, he had given me.

"Are you ready to go back?" E asked, and I had no choice than to say yes. A long hand reached out from the clothes of E. It touched me and I was back to my eternal damnation.

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