Chapter 5

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Lauren's POV

We sat on the couch for ages just talking, about everything from politics to our favorite foods. I was dumbstruck by the charming woman sitting next to me. She's intelligent, witty but most of all she's kind. She'll make a hell of a doctor. We moved closer to each other, I would scoot closer and then she would so that our sides were touching, which is a dangerous place to be. She's very animated with her hands, but it was worth it. I want to spend all my time with her, hang on to her every word, watch as she runs her fingers through her hair or bites her lip as she often does.

"Want to go in the pool?" She says interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah, it's getting pretty warm in here. Lead the way." We get up and I follow her outside along a path to a full sized pool with a hot tub. She begins to take of her t-shirt but first she looks over at me, "No judgements, okay, I still have that freshmen 15. That I've had pretty much my whole life."

"Same goes for me I say." Thinking back to when Ty said I should loose a few.

We both strip of our clothes and she folds hers in a neat pile and places them on a chair. I just throw them in a pile. I don't get to admire her body though because she dives right into the pool. I walk down the steps into the pool, afraid of the cold, but it's actually a nice contrast from the hot day.

"You're crazy, you know that right?" She says

"I did know that, but why am I crazy in this instance?"

She looks me up and down and raises her eyebrows. "You're gorgeous."

I blush at this, which makes her blush too and she looks away. "I wasn't coming on to you."

I laugh at this, every once in a while she get insecure about her words, she doesn't need to be. I know she speaks truthfully as she sees it. "You're rather crazy yourself you know?" I say "You've got this hourglass thing happening. It's slaying me."

She blushes an even deeper red at this and begins to swim. She certainly knows what she's doing. I'm no expert, but she seems right at home and quite graceful in the water. I swim with her till I get tired and move to a chair to bathe in the sun.

She joins me not long after. "So, are you a swimmer, cause damn girl. You were movin."

"Yeah, pretty much all my life. I've never been good enough to go pro or whatever, so I stopped competing after high school. But I still miss it sometimes." She lays down on the chair next to mine.

"Yeah I get it, I miss school sometimes. Or not school but learning. I started my singing career so early. I never had the chance to go to college, and I wish I did. Don't get me wrong I love singing and I'm grateful for all that's happened. It's just the road not taken."

She nods thoughtfully at this. "College was great, it was and I get looking back. But don't do it too much, reflection (see what I did there) is one thing. Don't let yourself get stuck in the past though." The way she said this was not all condescending or judge mental. She really does have a way with words sometimes.

I think Y/N fell asleep because she's laying there with her eyes close, only her chest rises with her breath. I take this opportunity to look at her. She's tan, her hair is really dark, close to black when it's wet. She looks so peaceful and young when she sleeps. I lay like this facing her, viewing the beautifully scenery as the sun begins to set behind her, but she is without a doubt the most beautiful thing around.

I hear a voice yell from the direction of the house, "Y/N, we're back, sorry we were gone so long."

She stirs at this and look over at me. "I guess my friends are back."

They walk over to the pool and the one I assume to be Jess addresses me, "So you're Lauren Jauregui, you are hot, no wonder Y/N talks about you all the time. You know... she has a little nickname for you." Y/N looked embarrassed before, but she's shooting daggers at Jess now. This is interesting.

"Do tell." I say looking at Jess.

"No, don't, please." There's a hint of desperation in her voice, now I'm really curious.

"Well I won't be able to stop thinking about it know you should just tell me." I say, this time addressing Y/N.

"Queen, or my queen, or queen of my heart and soul." She turns her head towards the ocean for a few seconds before turning back around, "you know your way out, then, I get if your super weirded out and don't want to talk to me again."

I laugh at this, like I haven't got that from hundreds of people. Besides it wasn't like a creepy thing. She looks down defeated, and tears start to well up in her eyes. I want to comfort her but I can't stop laughing. So I go over to her and wrap my arm around her. She snuggles into my neck and begins to cry, but she's laughing too. "I've been called so many things by so many weird people, you think that bothers me?... Queen." I whisper in her ear. She laughs harder at this. Jess and Lex look on during all of this, with disturbed looks on their faces.

*a while later*

Y/N walks me to the door and she says, "thanks for staying for dinner."

"Yeah, I'm glad I did, that Chinese food was really good. I'm definitely trying that place again." I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. It's a text message from Dinah, the girls are all going to (insert fancy Restaurant name). "Hey the girls got a reservation at (fancy restaurant name), you should come."

"You guys got a reservation there?" She asks.

"Well we have one more than one Grammy."

"That'll do it... I'm in."

"I'll pick you up at 7." I say as I get in my car.

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