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She'd spent the next two days cleaning out her closet.

It was a big ordeal, honestly. In order to fit all of her new clothes—designer shoes, handbags, miniskirts and low cut dresses—she had to chuck all of her old clothes from before she headed off to the academy. She'd put it off for a while, opting instead to watch a couple sappy romantic comedies in her bed. But, eventually, she got down to business, pushing her sleeves up and getting to work.

Her old clothes were horrendous. How had she never noticed? She'd owned four jean jackets, for god's sake! Four! That was practically sin. And the amount of sweatpants she'd horded was simply appalling. It took her hours, sorting through every single piece of clothing she'd ever had, and by the time she was done, Lucy was absolutely horrified with herself.

But then, she found that damn dress. That ugly brown sack that she'd gotten from that thrift shop so long ago. The dress she'd worn to the school dance in grade ten, where everything had fallen apart. And for the longest time, she just fucking stared at the dress, glaring at it as if it were her worst enemy.

Because it wasn't until she saw that dress that she realized how much she'd changed. Not only fashion-wise (obviously) but as a person, in general. She'd stopped playing sports and she'd forgotten about how much she used to love baseball. She had forgotten all of those nights out with Natsu, late out at the diamond, cracking balls out past the fence. She'd forgotten everything about her past, everything about who she was. And the dress brought that all back—it reminded her of her old self, of Natsu, of her childhood. And the memories made her heart ache, and she was sad, but she wasn't really sure why.

So, she didn't put the dress with all of her other old clothes. She didn't throw it into the garbage can. No, instead, she carefully hung it back up and placed it in her closet, stuffed way at the back. Hidden, but still in there somewhere.

Just like her old self, the one that loved to play in mud and hold frogs and wasn't afraid to kill a spider. Hidden, but still in there somewhere.

She moved on, finishing tossing every other ugly piece of clothing in the closet. Once it was nice and empty, Lucy proceeded putting all of her new clothing that she'd accumulated while at prep school back into the closet space. She had way more clothes now—it didn't fit; she had to load some into the dresser, which she had always used as a television stand for her laptop when she watched a movie—and they were much more attractive, in her opinion.

Lacy tops and designer dresses and miniskirts and heels, all crowded into the tiny closet space. Once she was finished, she sat back with a smile, and then headed to the bathroom to unload her ridiculous amount of makeup and beauty products.

When the day came where Lucy would return to her old highschool, she remained calm. She got up early, ate a full breakfast to give her energy for the day, washed her face, did her makeup and curled her hair into dainty little waves. She stared at her closet for half an hour until she'd decided upon a pink and white lace frock dress with a little teardrop cut out on the bosom to show off a little cleavage. It was tight to her body and just short enough to show off her amazing gams—just how she liked to dress. Cute, yet hot at the same time.

And, a few feet away, in the house next door, Natsu was still fast asleep.

He hadn't known Lucy had returned—he hadn't left his house all weekend (it was his way of prepping for the new semester; he liked to waste away his last few days of summer freedom by being a complete lazy bum) and she'd never opened her curtains, so he wouldn't have noticed her presence anyways. Totally oblivious to the fact that his old best friend forever had finally returned, the boy slept in a little too late, making him dash to the shower twenty minutes after he had originally planned to.

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