unknown: mind playing cupid?
lelsey: you are?
unknown: i like your friend
in which lesley receives a dm from an unknown guy, wanting to get together with her best friend
started : 23 september 2017
ended : 27 december 2017
status: completed...
"sorry you guys, i have a date with my brother and our friends," lesley said as she passed daniel and ayeon their orders around mid afternoon.
the café was not busy that day since it was a saturday and most students would still be having tuition classes.
ayeon pouted, "that's a pity. seongwoo would be sad."
lesley chuckled, "but i do talk to him a lot. he's one funny guy."
"i think he likes you, lesley," ayeon teased.
"haha, funny, nice one, ayeon," lesley rolled her eyes, "i'll be making a move soon, finish your cakes before it melts."
lesley made her way back behind the counter, slumped in her seat. as much as she wants to provide for her brother with the best, she wants a life of hers too. she wants to go out on dates with a guys she likes, she wants to go shopping with friends, catch a movie on fridays evenings with her brother. just some simple things she can afford but she wants to save up, maybe she would be able to do so much more in the future with the money she saves up.
she glances over to the table where the two lovebirds were seated, she was jealous yet again. not that she had any feelings for daniel or anything but she was jealous of how ayeon was able to charm him so easily. or in fact, any guy.
but one thing that bothered her the whole afternoon of them studying, was how daniel has taken action of his plan to confess to ayeon yet. it was bothering her, a lot.
no, not because she wanted to get this mission over and done with (in fact, she gets excited over the fact of them two getting together one day), but because the for the whole day, daniel's mind seemed to be so preoccupied with something. but she doesn't know what.
she wants to help him, a lot. really.
he may be annoying and is constantly whining to her for help with ayeon but his sincerity in his feelings towards ayeon definitely touched her.
she admired him. a lot.
📨 you've got a message from young paca min🐨 hey leesi, we're... open | close
young paca min 🍅 typing...
young paca min 🍅 hey, leesi, we're turning towards the street of your café. be there in five
leesi 🌊🐳 alright, i'm in a grey tee
young paca min 🍅 okay! 🎤 voice message
leesi 🌊🐳 daehwi is that you 😂
young paca min 🍅 heYEYEYEYEY NOONA youngmin hyung is driving so he can't text sO IM DOING IT FOR HIM
leesi 🌊🐳 thank you daehwi 🙆🏻🙆🏻
young paca min 🍅 🎤 voice message
leesi 🌊🐳 hello woojinnie
young paca min 🍅 😁😁😁 we're reaching in three minutes noona youngmin hyung said take the front seat beside him the rest of us have taken the back
leesi 🌊🐳 okay, where's donghyun
young paca min 🍅 🎤 voice message
leesi 🌊🐳 there he is see you guys in a bit! i have to pack up
young paca min 🍅 okay noona 😁😁
"daehwi is such a cutie," she mumbles to herself as she gets ready to leave, waving goodbye to daniel and ayeon as she stepped out, only to bump into seongwoo who was about to step in that moment.
"woah, you're in a rush," he laughed as he held her by her arms to help her up, "you're not joining us for dinner?"
she shakes her head whilst flashing him a small grin "going out with my brother and friends."
"alright then," seongwoo replied with a hint of disappointment in his voice but he kept smiling anyways.
"there's my ride," she claps as a familiar car pulled up in front of her, "bye seongwoo."
"bye," he waved her off sadly as he watched her hop in the front seat and the driver took off, "isn't that tomato head from the other day?"
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"bingo," ayeon appears beside him with daniel, " and he's also known as, lesley's all-time crush."