the boys were still chatting away busily like the gossip girls in lesley's school, trying to catch up with each other on what they've missed with each other over the past three months.
lesley looked at them in amusement as she walked ahead of them, youngmin following behind her.
"how have you been?" he asked, taking the drinks and two boxes of popcorn from her hands.
"oh, thanks," she blushed but thanked god for the dark lighting in the corridors to the movie theatre, "pretty good. just have a mission on my hands. it's amusing, really."
"mission? are you a spy or something now?"
"no," she chuckled, "i'm just helping this guy get together with a friend of mine. it's funny. we're getting nowhere."
"you're really nice for helping them," youngmin praised.
"it's nothing really."
"noona!" a heart standing shriek was heard from behind them, making the two older ones turn around.
it was jungkook.
"i forgot to bring your hoodie," he rubbed his nape in embarrassment.
"oh, really?" she sounded slightly disappointed but she really couldn't find herself to get angry, she smiled, "it's fine. i don't think it'll be that cold."
the six walked into the cinema, splitting up to their designated seats. this left youngmin and lesley alone again.
"sorry we have to share a drink, woojin and daehwi are saliva conscious," lesley sighed, "you can have it if you want. i have my water bottle."
"oh it's fine," youngmin reassured her as he dug into his back for something, then muttering in a slow voice, "those brats are not saliva conscious, they're doing it on purpose."
"here," he handed her a thick hoodie he took out of his bag, "we all know you can't stand the cold well, just take it."
she laughed nervously, feeling guilty, "t-thanks."
"no problem," he nods before turning away, typing on his phone.
lesley looked away, adjusting the hoodie over her legs. they were freezing.
it was all too quiet.
but not for long.
"leesi," a high pitched voice screeched from beside her, making her jolt and look for the owner of the horrid sound.
her eyes widened, "what the heck are you doing here, ong seongwoo?"
he sighed and rolled his eyes, "third wheeling as usual," he pointed to the two behind him, a cheery ayeon and a depressed-looking daniel.
her eyebrows raised.
ayeon waved at her before walking off to look for their seats with seongwoo.
lesley reached out to tug on daniel's flannel, gesturing him to bend down so she could tell him something, "what happened between you two? what's with the solemn look?"
daniel puckered his lips, looking away from her, "i-i don't even know..."
aware that he was already feeling horrid, she stopped him, "just text me when you're home."
he nodded before running up to the other two.
she looked to her left here youngmin was, still busy typing away on his phone.
curious, she leant over, querying who.
youngmin looked up and gave her a grin, making her confused, "my girlfriend," he answers.

✔️ playing cupid | kangdaniel
Fanfictionunknown: mind playing cupid? lelsey: you are? unknown: i like your friend in which lesley receives a dm from an unknown guy, wanting to get together with her best friend started : 23 september 2017 ended : 27 december 2017 status: completed...