When He Flew

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"Go hang yourself freak!" third time today that has been said to me and its only 11:00 in the morning. looks like another day in hell for me. I dont understand what makes me a freak. I know im an orphan, I know I prefer drawing and playing music. everyone else has parents and plays sports those are the only differences. I walk to my locker to grab my textbook. Attached to the handle is a rope fashioned into a noose. the words DIE, UNWANTED,and WORTHLESS have been written in black sharpie across the locker door.I sigh "well this is new, changing things up I guess" I pull off the noose and shove it in my locker so I can grab my book. A small piece of paper flutters to the floor of my locker. I open it up, its a crude drawing of a person hanging from a tree the rope around the person's neck has my name on it. I toss the paper back in my locker. Book in hand I head off to Mr.Whittaker's room. When I walk into the classroom the light hum of chatter from the students already in their seats plummets Into complete silence. They throw balled up paper at me. When they run out of paper to throw I head to my desk. They've etched a new word into the surface. "hopeless." I whisper and put my head down. Jacob Corey flicks my head "Nick, hey nick."

"what do you want jacob?"

"when is it?" I pick up my head to look at him in utter confusion

"when is what, what are you talking about?" he smiles

"when are you gonna hang yourself? the yearbook wants to know if we should even include you in it considering you'll probably be dead soon." I look away the hurt written on my face he can see it and continues his monologue."we didn't want to put you in it in the first place but the school said we had to so we are all itching to pull you out of it." I've had enough of this.

"Jacob why are you doing this? what have I done to you?" I plead for an explanation

"you mean you dont know?" he gives me an incredulous expression."Nick you have committed the worst crime in this town's history."

"what crime!? what grievance!? what have I done!?" I beg for an answer. with a smile on his face

"you were born" he said. "the sooner you die the better for everyone, we are all waiting to see the show." my eyes well with tears, I put my head down an attempt to muffle my cries of agony. with that the bell rings and Jacob goes to his seat. Mr.Whittaker finals materializes into the room rolling a t.v. stand with attached accessories into the room. "Nick Colton if your going to cry please excuse yourself to the women's restroom, I dont appreciate puddles on my desks." the class laughs throwing more paper at me.

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