Prologue Part Two~Waking Up in the NYC Sanctom

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I woke up in a bed. 'Where am I,' I wondered to myself. Then I remembered yesterday, I least I hoped that was yesterday. Sometimes I can pass out a while.

I sat up and got a head rush. "Ow," I put my hand to my head. I walked out of the room, "hello?" I waited a while. No answer. So I decided to walk around the place and explore.

There were so many turns in this place. I couldn't find my way back into my room if I wanted to. I turned another corner and faced a set of doors. Being the curious person I am I opened them. I walked into the room and was surrounded by books.

A man sat at a desk near a wall. He looked up at me. "I see you're awake."

"Where am I?"

"The New York Sanctom."

"At least I'm still in New York," I stared at the rows of books.

"The Sorcerer Supreme will want to see you."

"Who is that? And where? This place is a maze."

"Two lefts, a right, a left, two rights, and another left."

"Geez, he's like two countries away!"


I decided to follow this guys instructions. I'm not sure why, he could've been leading me to a murderer.

I took two lefts and...was it another left. No three lefts would not make sense. I took a right and then another left. I sure hoped I was getting these right, I mean, correct.

After the last turn I walked in a room. The same guy I met before I passed out was sitting. "Have a seat," he gestured to the seat across from him.

The wise option would've been to get out of there as soon as possible but my curiosity took over my mind. I sat down, "what is this place? Who are you people?"

He smiled, "I asked the same thing when I got here."

"You're not murderers or rapists are you?"

"No, no. Of course not. I just want to ask you a few questions."

"And then I can leave?"

"No. I am going to take you to a girls home a few blocks away."

"Trying to take me somewhere where I belong."

"Where do you belong?"

"I don't belong anywhere. There's no point in taking me there. I'll just run away again." I hated foster homes. People always tell you what to do and I was never one to follow rules. I was sent to a foster home for a while, then my aunt picked me up.

"Thanks for warning me that you'll run away. I'll keep a closer eye on you. What made you pass out?"

"It happens to me sometimes," I did not want to tell him of any of my abilities.

"What causes them."

"It just happens," I hoped he would not press on.

"I know you know the answer to my question. I'm only going to keep asking you."

"Sometimes when I run for long periods of time I get a headrush." I had no other option but to lie. He can't know. "As I said before, it just-"

"I'm gong to stop you right there. I know you're lying."

"I'm not lying," I tried to defend myself.

"Yes you are. I understand you don't want to tell me. Is it because you're afraid to tell people you have abilities?"

What! How did he know. Unless...he has abilities too. " did..."

"I have much experience in magic."

"Are you my kind?"

"Your kind?"

Oh crap, he didn't know that much. "I'm a, I'm a mutant." Well, what the heck. No point in lying anymore.

"Is that what gives you your abilities?"

"Yes. We get our abilities at about age twelve, sometimes later."

"What exactly is your ability?"

"I'm not sure yet. But sometimes I see people's memories. It happens so randomly and it drains my energy."

"So it's like telepathy."

"I guess."

"I'm going to give you two options. You can either go to the girls home. Or, you can stay here."

"Here? Why would you want me here."

"When I first arrived here I felt lost. If you stay here I will teach you magic."

"Sounds good. This will be better than staying at a foster house. There's just one thing I need."

"What's that?"

"A freaking map."

He chuckled, "alright. This way to your room."

We walked to my room. It seemed like there was less turns then last time but I was still lost.

We arrived at my room and he said, "I'll return later with a map."

He turned to leave. "Wait," I said, "what is your name?"

"Doctor Stephen Strange. Call me Stephen."

"I'm Aurora."

"I know," he walked out of the room.

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