Chapter Two

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My alarm blared throughout my newly arranged room.


This is it.

My first day of college.


I haven’t been to an orientation since I started high school, so this is all slightly new to me.

I slid out of bed and made my way to my shower to take on the day.


Two hours later, I was dressed in my favorite ripped boyfriend jeans, a white flowy top, and a pair of golden sandals. Of course, with more makeup than I usually wear just to make a good impression on my first day; blended eyeshadow with my winged eyeliner plus the essentials for example, face makeup. My hair was messily straightened; straight but with a bit of a wave, just how I liked it. But the more I looked in the mirror, the more nervous I became. I mentally scolded myself for feeling like this for not even leaving the house yet. I grabbed my black jacket and bag, and with a lock of the door, I was walking into my new life.


I would be lying if I said I didn’t sit in my car for about 15 minutes, most likely making myself late because I was debating if I should go in or not. Why am I feeling like this? It’s fucking college. I hopped out of my car without taking a second thought and walking straight into the building. I pulled out my campus map, looking for the auditorium. How hard could it be to find the biggest room in the whole building? Obviously very hard since I’ve been searching for ten minutes and couldn’t find shit except three bathrooms and a couple classrooms. Thank god someone was walking out of one of them.


“Hey! Excuse me!” I did a little jog to catch up with the person about twenty feet ahead of me. He turned around seconds before I was right next to him.


“Yes?” He questioned with a bit of an attitude. He was very tall, probably six foot. Dirty blonde hair that was styled upwards. A white t-shirt and a denim shirt unbuttoned layering on top. Black jeans and a pair of boots.


“Um.. where’s the auditorium?” I nervously asked, not wanting more attitude but not being granted.


“Go all the way to the end of the hall and turn left. There’ll be two double doors.” He gave me even more of an attitude than the first time. Not wanting to cause a commotion on my first day, I put up with it.


“Sorry for asking.” I said with as much harshness as he did not even minutes ago. I swiftly turned myself around and began walking the other way.


“Wait” He said with a monotone. I was having an inner conflict with myself, deciding if I should turn around or not.

“What?” I asked him, now looking his way.


“Are you American?” He asked with seriousness. Why do all these British people act like they’ve never seen an American?


“Do you have a problem with that?” I asked with a rude tone. He was now irritating me.


“No. I was just asking. I’m James. I guess it’s nice to meet you.” He chuckled; his mood lightening.

3:17am || Brad SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now