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Hermione Granger

With yesterday's events clear from my head I was able to focus solely on the task at hand, today was the 31st of October. That meant Gin and I's Halloween party was being held tonight, we had lots to do. We had managed to go home early from work yesterday as we had both finished what tasks we needed to complete, this then meant we both could get started on at least starting to put some decorations up.

Today was a local day off as Halloween was a big event in the wizarding world, this was a perfect opportunity for organising the events that would take place tonight. I had owled Ron, Harry and Luna asking if they could help Ginny and I set up for tonight. Once everyone had arrived at the hall that we had rented out for the night, everyone was given tasks and we all got to work.

Luna had asked to be in charge of the decorating of the tables and the entrance, she wanted to make sure no abnormal creates were entering the party. I agreed, finding it easier to say yes then question her. Harry and Ron had more so demanded that they be in charge of setting up all of the activities, lights, music and whatever else they felt like doing really.

That left Ginny to coking, of course with the help of Mrs Weasley. The two didn't let anyone enter the kitchen saying they were busy with work, I wasn't sure what they were cooking in there but by the smell of things they definitely knew what they were doing. I walked past the closed kitchen, my nostrils flaring at the delicious smell of sweets. I was checking my list off with my floating quill, making sure everything was going swimmingly. With the extra help that was given, it meant the party set up was done a whole lot faster.

After about three continuous hours of pure cooking, decorating, planning, and a whole lot of treat sampling, everything looked to be set up. Though if magic hadn't been involved, it would have taken us twice as long.

Though the party didn't start for a few more hours, the boys had decided to apparate back to their shared house to get showered and dressed. Luna, Ginny, Mrs Weasley and myself all apparated back to the burrow and decided we too should perhaps start getting ready.

Upon arrival at the house I had grown to love, I took in the homely appearance. I will never grow tired of seeing the enchanted kitchen utensils and the wonky staircases, this place really was a second home to me. I smiled as I thought of the fond memories I shared with my best friends, all the late-night talks and the kissing sessions between Ginny and Harry that I would interrupt.

Not much has changed from those days, we've all just grown up. Ron and I had tried to be romantically involved with one another but it never worked out, it wasn't that we didn't match it's just that there wasn't any chemistry. After the war had ended, Ron and I had dated for maybe three months? But after that, we decided we were better off as friends.

After I had washed all the soot and dirt off my body from the events of the day, I dried the wet drops off my creamy skin and pulled on my plain black undergarments. I turned around and exited the now steamy bathroom, walking toward my bed I eyed off the costume that laid atop it, I assume Ginny had prepared for me?

Giving the odd costume one more look, I grabbed the black fabric and began pulling it off. I put my arms through the loops and pulled the bunched material past my hips, watching as it fell to the floor in fragments. I took the hat and placed it on top of hair that was placed in a bun, I took the black boots that somehow made their way into my room and yanked them onto my socked feet. I looked at the completed look in my mirror, I examined how the black dress draped in sections to the floor, the top part had a slightly plunged neck-line which showed a small area of my chest.

The dress had also come with a belt that was probably 5 inches thick and the black hat topped it off. The completed look was very strategically placed together and I did like the confidence it seemed to give off, however, I didn't agree with my chest being so exposed for anyone's wondering eyes to see. I shook my head and laughed at my best friend's choice of Halloween costume.

A witch.

I grabbed my wand from its position on my bedside table and began tracking back downstairs, once I had descended the wobbly planks of wood I felt the smile on my face grow as I took in the scene in front of me.

Mrs Weasley was batting away Ron's hand as he tried to fiddle with the Goblin's mask that she had obviously made him wear, Harry was fixing the freckles Ginny had hand-drawn onto her face and George was filming Mr Weasley as he tried to figure out how to fix his badly torn wolf gloves. I let out a small laugh as I walked over to the frazzled man and muttered a small "Reparo" as I pointed my wand to the old costume accessories, immediately the gloves looked as good as new.

Once I had got the attention of everybody in the room, besides Ron and Mrs Weasley who were still battling one another, I suggested we should be on our way as the party would start in less than 10 minutes. I strolled over to where Ginny and Harry were and opened my mouth to compliment the cute matching scarecrow outfits but before I could, I was cut off by Ginny's girlish shriek.

"Mione! You look absolutely amazing and sexy! I'll need to be keeping my eye on all the boys tonight." I felt my cheeks redden at her compliment, I brought a loose strand of hair behind my ear and hid my face slightly.

"Thanks, Gin, both you and Harry look very lovely. And I do not fancy the neckline, it's a little too revealing for my liking. You couldn't have picked a dress that came just below the collar-bones?" I asked with a hint of amusement in my tone though I think she knew I was being deadly serious, much to my annoyance instead of answering me all she gave was a chuckle.

"Okay, Harry, Gin, we should go. I expect our guests to be arriving soon and we don't want to disappoint." With that, I turned around with my wand in hand and apparated to the venue.

"Some things never change" Harry gave a chuckle as his fiancé grabbed his hand, rolled her blue eyes and apparated after their best friend.

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