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Draco Malfoy

Halloween. What a poor excuse for a holiday. If I had it my way, today would be like any other. Halloween was something only muggles would celebrate, how dare we do it too. I was never allowed to dress up and go around asking strangers for pieces of candy, mother and father thought it was barbaric.

I huffed as I watched the familiar brown owl swiftly fly into my open window, he landed on my bedside table and impatiently stuck his skinny foot toward me. I gave the animal a smirk as I walked over to him and untied the small piece of parchment, I shooed the bird off as I took a seat on my bed.


I hear Weaslette and her gang are throwing a Halloween party, care to gatecrash with me?


I read the note once more before throwing it in my trash can, I didn't care for Halloween and I certainly didn't want to see Weaslette. But Blaise did say the rest of her gang and I know a certain brunette that the red-haired girl loves, maybe we do gatecrash after all?

I sighed as I lifted my frame form the comforts of my mattress, I didn't bother responding to Blaise because I knew he would be here in a few minutes anyway. Whenever he owls me, he never waits for a reply, instead he apparates to my house and demands we do whatever it is he suggested. Majority of the time I end up agreeing and not even two hours later we are owling our parents for help, neither of us thinking about the consequences of our actions.

I strolled down the dark corridors of the manor and down into the much lighter kitchen, I grabbed the closest glass and turned the silver tap upwards, instantly the clear liquid filled my grass. I brought the crystal up to my lips and took a few swigs before once again placing the cup onto the kitchen counter. I heard a faint pop followed by small footsteps, knowing it was only Blaise I had no reason to worry. I walked over to the nearby white couch and threw my body onto it, waiting patiently for my best friend to appear.

Not even a moment later I saw his tall figure emerge from the hallway, the smirk on his face was present and I instantly knew I was in for a treat. Before he even got the chance to say a word I leapt up from my position and walked toward him, after approaching him I told him I was in.

"What do you mean you're in? That was too easy, you hate Halloween" That I did agree on

"Yes, my somehow smart friend. I do hate Halloween, in fact, I loathe it more than Salazar hated mudbloods himself. But, I'm positive a certain young witch will be attending and I'm not done with her yet." I watched his brown eyes light up with mischief and I knew we were on the same page, oh this was going to be fun.

"And by a certain witch, I'm guessing you mean Granger. Am I right?" Amusement and wonder seeped through his voice

"Now Zabini, that's for me to know and for you to... dot, dot, dot." With that I turned around and trailed back to my bedroom, smirking at my best friend's curiosity.

Hermione Granger

"Mione, have you got the guest list ready?" I turned my head towards Neville's voice, taking in his worried expression. Poor Neville, he was always stressing.

"No sorry, it's on the bench in the kitchen, you're welcome to collect it if our guests are starting to arrive" I struggled to juggle the large brown boxes in my hands, trying to free one to point the young man in the right direction. He gave me a small nod and scurried away, I walked over to one of the tables and set the boxes on top of it. I flipped the opening flaps of cardboard and took my wand out, pointing it to the decorations that laid limp in front of me and muttered a small spell. Instantly, the remainder of the Halloween ornaments – mainly small table décor – flew to their rightful places.

Just as the last napkin had landed where it was meant to, I turned around to see Bill and Fleur followed closely by Luna, Seamus and Dean. I felt myself smile as I looked at my friends, we had been through so much together but most importantly, we survived.

Not even an hour later the party was working put brilliantly, the guests were enjoying themselves and most importantly, everyone was having fun. There were so many different costumes and people had the ability to be so creative, it was truly amazing. I walked over to the orange and ivory coloured table that held some cakes and refreshments, I picked up a cup and poured myself some pumpkin juice. I brought the liquid up to my slightly chapped lips and gulped some back, my eyes diverted to a worried looking Harry. Bringing the cup back down to the table, with a confused expression on his face I asked him what was wrong.

"Malfoy and Zabini are here. I don't know how they got in, don't worry Hermione, we'll get them out." I saw Harry's wild eyes scan the room and as the words left his mouth I felt my chest tighten, Malfoy was here...

Before I could respond to my best friend he disappeared through the crowd. I began following after him, my brown orbs searching for Ginny but instead, they landed on familiar white hair. My breath hitched in my throat and my movements stilled, why was he here. He had no business being here.

With my new-found confidence, I balled my fists and marched right over to him. When his grey eyes landed on me I saw them light up with amusement, probably at my enraged sight.

"Malfoy. What in Merlin's name are you doing here!?" I didn't even allow him to take a breath before I spat my question towards him, I saw his smile falter just before he responded.

"Now Granger, why wouldn't I be here? It is a party after all and you dull lot could do with some entertainment"

"You're not welcome here, we don't want you here." By this time we had attracted a small crowd, obviously, Malfoy didn't like this because before my mind could catch up to my body I was being pulled towards the glass door that led outside.

I stopped and ripped my wrist from his grasp, making him turn around to face me. The close proximity made me take small steps backwards, not liking how close we were. He continued to walk toward me and I mentally scolded myself as my back hit the wall behind me, Malfoy only inches from me.

"Do you honestly think you can talk to me like that and get away with it? For someone they call the smartest witch of her age, you sure are dumb" I parted my mouth to retaliate, instead, I was silenced with a cold finger being placed upon them. My eyes widened as I felt his body press again.

"You really need to learn to keep that pretty mouth of yours quiet and if you don't know how to, I can always show you." He trailed his finger from my mouth up to my hair, I felt him tug at my elastic and not a moment my brown locks cascaded around my shoulders.

"Lost for words, are we? I'm not surprised, even the great Granger couldn't resist me. You are a pretty thing, aren't you? Now that your hair isn't swallowing your face and your teeth aren't the size of my wand." I hadn't noticed my breathing had increased or the fact that Draco's lips were barely grazing my own before I could push him away I felt a pair of warm plump lips crash onto my own.

I didn't know why but I kissed him back, our lips moulded into each other and I brought my hand up to his gelled hair. He reciprocated my actions, bringing his hand to tangle into mine and pulling softly. I let out a small moan and he skilfully slipped his tongue into my mouth, my entire mouth suddenly tasted like mint.

Our short moment was suddenly broken by the patter of footsteps and a startled gasp, I tore away from Malfoy to see Ginny with her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open. I looked back to the man in front of me to see his normally kept hair messy and his lips swollen and red. His breathing was heavy and matched mine, I didn't know what to do.

Ginny Weasley just caught Hermione Granger, the brain of the golden trio, locking lips with former death eater Draco Malfoy.

Oh, Merlin.

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