3. He Thought He Saved Me

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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

"I'm fine."

"Then why are you here?"

Harry eyed the young lad in front of him. His hair was a mess, as though it hadn't been styled in months. Large, dark circles haloed the kindest eyes Harry had ever seen and the boy's oversized jumper hung low, completely exposing one of his shoulders. Harry opened my mouth to speak but the boy cut him off.

"Paranoia and Multiple Personality Syndrome." He stated. "That's why I'm here which is what you were going to ask."

"How did you know?" Harry quizzed.

"Natural response. I'm Liam, by the way. Well, currently I am." He smiled warmly, a smirk playing on his lips.

Harry's thoughts were interrupted by the bell signalling the end of lesson. He followed close to Niall as they walked towards their art room. People whispered and laughed, as Harry passed them. Word had got around about his breakdown and his absence for the last week just added fuel to the fire. The closer he got to the dreaded door the more his head swirled and the tighter he gripped his bag. Niall silenced a group of gossiping girls with a glare as he assisted Harry into the classroom, knowing without him, Harry would just run in the opposite direction.

"Gay boy." A gruff voice spat.

Harry froze. His world imploded. How did anyone find out? Had Gemma blabbed? She wouldn't have. Would she? The crush, yeah but not his sexuality.

"My name is Mr Tomlinson to you. I am gay but trust me, I would rather go straight than even hold your hand, sweetie." Mr Tomlinson laughed. It was him they were talking about.

Unsure if he was relieved or hurt that Mr Tomlinson was receiving the abuse rather than him, Harry headed towards him. The football twat had stormed of to his seat when he reached Mr Tomlinson.

"Erm, sir?" Harry mumbled, chewing his lip.

"Harry! Can I have a word outside, please?" He replied, a smile playing on his lips.

Harry's voice failed so he nodded and walked out. He mentally cursed, trying to remember his breathing exercises. Mr Tomlinson looked particularly beautiful and that was far from helping Harry's breathing problems. His hair was swept to the side and a white bandage concealed what could only be a new tattoo on his lower arm. The hallways lay dormant and the shouts from the class informed them they had noticed the teacher's absence.

"Look, about the other day, I am so sorry for crying like that in front of you. I didn't know your background. I feel so awful." He rambled, looking to the floor. I didn't know your background. Panic filled Harry's body.

"What do you mean you 'didn't' know? Has the school got a file on my past?" Harry's words mixed and his stutter kicked in on a lot of the words.

"No, no. Your mother told me when I called to check you were ok. She wants you to start Art tutoring; she thinks it will help you cope." He reassured. No, she knew being around him would help. "So our first tutoring session is today. Is that ok with you?"

Harry nodded quickly and looked down at the bandage on his teacher's arm, wondering what artwork it concealed. He could see Niall watching them from his seat within the class with a protective gaze plastered across his face. Mr Tomlinson saw as well and laughed before walking back into the class room, settling the students. The hour took forever to finish and whenever Harry looked up to his teacher Mr Tomlinson's eyes darted away as though he was watching Harry. Probably just a little worried after Harry's last break down in his class.

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