I am startled by a flamingo

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(Magnus POV)

I wake up in my bed after dying again on the battlefield, naturally.
My left hand flies to my chest, over my heart, where the point of a sword had stuck me through. But now there is no gaping hole, no stained, sodden shirt, just my rapid heartbeat. I sigh long and deep, to relax the adrenaline. I move my fingers further up my chest and they settle on the small pendant marked with the rune of Frey that has returned to its chain, Jack, or Sumarbrandr, my broadsword.
I sit up in bed, swinging my legs off and let out a small sound of surprise.
A very pink flamingo is standing on one leg, beside the tree that centres my room.
I know who it is immediately, but I still jump a mile high and feel my face flare up to match the pink of the flamingos feathers.
The flamingo distorts, and smoothly changes into the familiar shape of Alex Fierro.
Alex walks swiftly over to me, and if her expression hadn't looked mildly distressed I would have automatically backed up a few steps.
"Magnus." She says.
"Alex?" I somewhat squeak. "What are you doing in here? Why did you skip battle practice today?"
"Doesn't matter. You need to come with me. Now." She grabs my sleeve and drags me with her out into the hallway of floor 19. I stumble over my feet at least twice before even getting out of my room, but Alex pulls me along at a brisk walk.
"Whassup?" I ask as she takes me to the elevator. She doesn't answer and I decide to refrain from asking anymore questions. She lets go of me as the elevator doors clink shut.
I stand next to her in an awkward silence. She crosses her arms, facing the elevator doors as we go down. My arms hang limp at my sides and I'm strongly conscious of the electric distance between us and her comforting scent. I try to occupy myself with the awful music that plays in the elevator, but it just makes me more antsy.
The doors open before I can either jump out of my skin or burst out with embarrassing confessions from the tension. Alex marches out and I follow.
She leads me into the dining hall which isn't as packed as it usually is. It's afternoon and everyone is out fighting, or at least those not deceased yet. I glance around for Mallory, T.J. Or Halfborn. None are present so I presume they're still going strong.
I spot Samirah sitting on a bench alone, fiddling with the tail of her hijab. She is dressed as if to go out, and has her axe strapped to her back. Alex is leading me towards her.
"We're taking Magnus?" Is the first thing Sam asks as we approach. She doesn't say it with snark or confusion or disagreement. Actually her eyes have suddenly gleamed with a mischievous Loki spark. She looks back and forth between Alex and I.
Alex just shrugs.
"Taking me where?" I ask.
Samirah gets to her feet. "On a secret mission." She glances around the hall and lowers her voice even though there's no one nearby. "Odin's request. I'll explain more soon. Let's go."
"Uh, okay." I proceed after the children of Loki, unsure whether to be excited or nervous. I stare at Alex's back with many questions. She must sense my gaze and casts a look over her shoulder at me. I look away and the hairs stand up on end up my arms again. I decide I must be still running on a heavy dose of adrenaline from the battlefield.
"Where are we going?" I quietly ask again.
"Jotunheim." Sam replies, waving causally to Helgi and Hunding. They are obviously having quite a disagreement because Helgi waves back without giving us a second glance.
"Fantastic." I mutter.
"Don't worry, Beantown. We'll make sure you stay alive." Alex says with a smirk in her words.
I refrain from reminding them that I am the one with healing powers. I don't really want any injuries from a fist, axe or garrotte wire before facing potential death in the World of Giants.

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