I ride Alex - wait - you'll see what I mean

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Jotunheim is right up there with Alfheim on my 'don't want to ever go back to' list. Samirah had found us a gateway to the chilly world, that would drop us off very close to where we needed to be for the mission.
"Couldn't you have warned me to bring a jacket?" I shiver, only wearing my jeans and green Hotel Valhalla T-shirt.
"Sorry Magnus, I didn't know you were coming along-" Samirah quirks an eyebrow at Alex. "-and this is urgent."
We begin to walk. The ground is wet and sloshy with melting snow. The sun is low in the sky and would be pleasantly warm if not for the cool breeze snaking out of the clump of forest to our left. There are great big mountains rimming the horizon.
"A giant has captured Sleipnir, Odin's horse. We need to find and free him by sundown." Samirah explains.
"Sleipnir...Stanley's father?" I remember. Stanly, our eight-legged equine friend who carried us through this very world what feels like so long ago. It's a vivid memory, because I was straddling the horse's back right behind Alex, and she had grabbed my arms and wrapped them around her waist...anyway. Yes, I knew who Sleipnir was, so maybe I wouldn't be completely useless on this quest.
"That's right." Samirah confirmed. "And he's also..." she glanced again a Alex, with a different more guarded expression. "Our brother."
I considered this. This was something else I knew. Loki had disguised himself as a mare and well, yeah, he sired the first eight-legged horse in Asgard. No more details necessary there.
"How do you feel about that?" I prod hesitantly, stopping in my tracks. Sam's face is blank. She doesn't give me an answer.
Alex shrugs. She's been doing a lot of shrugging this afternoon. "It's cool. But enough on the history revision, the giant has captured Sleipnir to eat, so we should hurry to rescue our brother." She starts ahead of us. Sam and I follow, side-by-side.
Speaking in a low voice to Sam, I ask the important questions, "Where has Alex been today? Why did she want me to come along?"
"I can answer the first question for you." Sam replies, watching her footing through the melting patches of snow and ice.
Suddenly, Jack springs free of my neck and elongates into a sword streaked with glowing runes.
"Señor! Hey! Oh, hey Sam! And Alex! I thought I'd better tell you something really relevant!" My talking sword said in a rush.
"Hey Jack. Talk slower. What's up?" I ask him. He hovers in front of our faces.
"Well I felt that lovely cool breeze go, and it made me wonder."
"Oh, you did?" I look at Samirah with confusion than I realise it too; the breeze has ceased, but so had the sounds of nature. It was eerily silent. Ahead, Alex pauses and turns, looking around.
"Yeah. Such a nice southerly breeze, that comforting zephyr as the sun starts to set in the-"
"Jack." I interrupt.
"Right! I was going to tell you, there's a giant standing to our left." He says merrily.
The three of us freeze. We look towards the gloomy trees and squint at the trunks. Squint, you ask? When looking for a giant? Sometimes it can be hard to distinguish tree trunks from giants' legs. Sam and Alex's hands inch towards their weapons. My hands - well, my weapon is the 'hands free' kind, so they just helpfully start to tremble, from cold and growing anxiety.
Just as I spot the two identical fat tree-trunk legs of a forty-foot tall giantess, the whole forest trembles and leans towards us, as our foe moves into action.
"What noisy, lousy little creatures interrupt my bird-watching?" She roars, coming at us, her feet splashing through the mud, arms tearing the trees out of her path. Maybe she'd have better luck with the bird-watching if she didn't demolish their habitat.
Alex is ready to fight, but Sam pushes me.
"I think we should run." She says.
"Great idea." I agree immediately.
Alex looks at me, making a quick decision, her eyes battling between pride and first-priorities, and probably wanting to fight rather than flee.
"Get on!" She says and shifts into a horse (four-legged kind). If this hadn't been life-or-death I would've turned around and faced the giant than get on Alex Fierro's back because I'm 99% sure she could kill me in 99 more ways whilst in horse form.
Nonetheless, I wasn't going to ignore an offer from Alex Fierro. I scrambled on and grabbed her mane, which was black with green tips.
Alex leapt forward into a gallop, almost leaving me behind in a puddle. Samirah flew alongside us, using her Valkyrie powers. Jack zips along after us, rambling about the extraordinary bird life in Jotunheim.
The giant stomped after us, shaking her oven-sized fists and bellowing, "How often do you think we see albatross around here!?"

FierroChase adventure, with Samirah and Sleipnir! Where stories live. Discover now