epilogue: mother

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The wedding was beautiful and soon after Amanda and Simon had their wedding night, Amanda discovered that she was pregnant once again a year and a half after Lucas was born.

"Are we really going to be having another baby, love?" Simon asked as Amanda brought the pregnancy test out into their bedroom. He was laying on their bed while they waited for the results of the pregnancy test.

"Yes," Amanda answered. "We're having another baby. Lucas is going to be a big brother."

"I'm going to be a dad again!" Simon said excitedly as he got up from bed and went to Amanda. He pulled her into his arms and they kissed passionately.

"I think that I'm about a month along because I've only missed one period. Do you think that we're going to finally have a baby girl?" Amanda asked him as she kissed Simon again.

"I would love to have another daughter but I would also love to have another son," Simon replied.

"I don't think I could handle three sons!" Amanda joked.

"Congratulations, Amanda and Simon. You have a healthy baby daughter and she wants to see her mummy," the midwife spoke thirty six weeks later.

Amanda had given birth at home again and the baby had stayed in her uterus for the full forty weeks. The midwife placed the baby girl in Amanda's arms and almost immediately, the baby reached for Amanda's breast.

"Do you know how to get the baby to latch on properly already?" The midwife asked as she packed her supplies into her bag.

"Yes. I breastfed our first child together," Amanda responded as she got her daughter to latch onto her nipple correctly. She began to feed as the midwife left the bedroom, leaving Amanda and Simon alone with their newborn daughter.

"We need a name for this one. Do you want to name her after your mum, 'Manda?" Simon asked as he moved closer to Amanda as she was propped up with pillows in the center of the bed while she fed their second child.

Amanda's mum, Judith, had passed away shortly after Amanda and Simon had found out that they were pregnant again. Judith had always been the one to take Lucas and Eric overnight after she moved to London and she had loved her grandchildren dearly. Amanda never got the chance to tell her mother that she was pregnant again before she had passed away from fighting ovarian cancer.

"Can we name her Judith Grace?" Amanda asked in reply as she watched the baby girl feed from her breast.

Amanda's mother, Judith, hadn't supported the couple when she was told that Amanda was pregnant the first time at first and she came around very quickly to the idea of being a grandmother before Lucas had been born a couple of years prior. She had only gotten to know Lucas when she had been diagnosed.

Amanda had asked Simon if they had a baby girl if they could name her after Amanda's mother. Now their family was completed.

"That's a perfect tribute to her grandmother and she's perfect, just like her mum."

"You have to stop saying that I'm perfect because I'm not Simon," Amanda said.

"You're perfect to me, love," Simon said. He sat down on the bed next to Amanda as she cradled their newborn daughter, Judith, in her arms against her bare chest as Judith fed from her breast. Amanda had been completely nude when she gave birth to Judith, like when she had given birth to Lucas a couple of years prior. "Our daughter looks like you already, 'Manda."

"She has your nose and eyes though," Amanda replied. "She's the perfect little mix of the both of us."

"Judith definitely is little. Do you want me to bring the boys in so they can meet their new baby sister?" Simon asked as Judith released Amanda's breast from her mouth so Amanda brought her up to her shoulder so she could burp the newborn.

"Sure," Amanda replied. "Lucas isn't going to be that happy he has a sister instead of the little brother he wanted."

"He'll get over it quickly," Simon responded, opening the bedroom door while Amanda put a nursing bra on that she had discarded while she had been deep in labour. Simon took their daughter Judith into his arms so Amanda could put on her bathrobe that was hanging on one of the bedposts from where she had put it when she had to stop walking around the bedroom with Simon for support when the contractions got too close together to even stand up.

Simon brought the boys into their parents' bedroom and Eric's eyes lit up upon seeing Amanda lying in bed with a newborn in her arms that was fast asleep after she was fed for a short time. Eric got up onto the bed carefully so he wouldn't disturb his sleeping sister. Simon put Lucas on the bed and he crawled to Amanda to look at the baby.

"Boys, meet your new baby sister, Judith. She's named after your nan, Lucas, and your step-nan, Eric," Amanda said, tilting Judith towards them so they could see her face.

"She wooks funny, Mummy," Lucas commented, glancing at Judith's small face.

"She's going to look like this for a little bit, Lucas, because she's not even close to being an hour old. Judith hasn't had time to adjust to being out of my tummy yet," Amanda replied gently. Amanda had given birth naked like she had when she had given birth to Lucas a couple of years ago.

"Are we gonna get another brother after Judith is old enough?" Eric asked Amanda and Simon hopefully.

"We don't know. It'll all just be how the cards are played for us, Eric, if you, Lucas, and Judith have another younger sibling," Simon replied as Amanda nodded to what Simon said.

"We waited a couple of year before we had your little sister, Eric, and and you knoww that Lucas was one of the best accidents that has ever happened to me," Amanda responded.

"Can me hold her?" Lucas asked. Amanda gave Judith to Eric to hold while she got Lucas positioned on her lap and promised Eric that he could hold Judith longer after Lucas got to hold the baby girl.

"Careful with her head, Lucas," Amanda said as she placed Judith in Lucas' arms. He smiled when he saw Judith open her eyes and look straight at him and then cuddled deeper into his arms."Judith loves you a lot already, Lucas, and you're going to be the one to watch out for her and protcet her when she gets older because you're her big brother."

Simon sat down beside Amanda and kissed her temple before whispering into her ear, "if I didn't know any better, I would have thought this was just a dream to me."

"I know," Amanda whispered back to her husband.

[] hey guys! This is the last chapter to the Just a Dream duology. I loved writing the two books and this was the first ever sequel that I wrote to one of my stories. I do hope that you liked it and thank you for following this story to the end and for supporting it. What did you like about the epilouge? Bye until the next fanfic!

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