New changes

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Caroline's pov
It was the first day of ninth grade in a new school, Westbrook middle school. I sigh and briefly open the doors of the school's office to speak to the principal.

" well hello, you must be the new student, Caroline, right? " he asked shaking my hand rapidly. Everyone called him mr. Joy

"  yeah uh..I am " I respond awkwardly.

He soon guided me around the school and sent me to my next class, which was science. I sat in the first seat in the first row. I glanced over to see who was sitting next to me. It was a very tall guy, He had black eyes and curly hair, he was actually kinda cute. I took courage to tap on his back.

" hey I'm marielle, Uh.. I'm new here. " I say in a desperate smile.

" cool bro, I'm Frankie. " he says grinning.
I slightly smiled.
" hey, you should meet my two awesome friends at lunch. " Frankie says gazing at me.

" of course I would! " I say happily

The rest of the day was restless and short. Finally, the bell rang for lunch, boy was I starving. I caught eye of Frankie surrounded by his supposedly two friends, a girl with long black hair, and a messy brown haired,

" hey Caroline, this is Ashley and hank. " he says while they both wave

I couldn't get over how green hank's eyes were. He looked as if he had been beat up a couple times too. But I sudden snap out and head to the tables. I was asked multiple questions by Ashley and seriously was getting annoyed afterwards.

The rest of the day was okay. but, I was a bit frustrated that I didn't have the courage to speak to hank, much during the day. Maybe it was because I was afraid to speak to the " bad boy "

As soon as I got home, I hit the books. My parents always tells me I'm the smartest in the family because I always get A's and should apply for an accountant when I graduate high school. But really, I'd prefer to be a writer. It's been a dream of mine since I was little.

The next morning, I slouched out of bed and grab my adidas black jacket. As I sat in the back reading my already assigned book from school, which was called the outsiders

The doors of Westbrook opened, and wanted to catch up with my " kinda friends "
I mean I know they're names. Anyways, I spotted Frankie and hank play fighting, while Ashley was rolling her eyes in annoyance and laughing near the ninth grade lockers.

I decided to skip by them and get ready for my next class. I had a class with a teacher named miss adolph, I was warned from her, Frankie told me. I sat in middle next to a blonde headed guy. He turned around we caught eye contact.

" hello, I'm nick, nick mckelty. Most people say I'm the ladies men. " he says smirking, totally flirting with me.

" I'm uh.. Caroline, I'm new here. " I answer quietly

He soon laughs off, and as soon as I see hank come in the room. I feel nick getting out of his chair.

" look who's late for class as alway, zitzer. " he spats out while hank squinting eyes at his phrase.

I was stunned, I didn't know I was sitting next to a cocky and rude fourteen year old. I didn't have any courage to stand up to hank. I felt bad. The rest of the class was lousy and boring.

At lunch, I catched up with Ashley and hank.
Ashley was observing her salad, while hank was blowing on his soup.

" hey hank, uh.. what was that all about with nick mckelty? " I ask

" he always says stuff like that, he just thinks he better than everyone else because his dad is rich. I wish that he'd just leave me alone. " hank says frustrated

" I'm sorry, he must be quite of a dick then " I immediately answer

We all chuckled and decided to change the subject. Frankie soon came along, I mostly just talked to hank the rest of the since because how we surprisingly had a lot in taste.

The bell rang and kids crowded the hall. I put my binders in backpack for studying. Hank suddenly approaches me in a shy smile.

" hey, do you wanna hang out at my place after school? " he says rocking back and forth

" I'll go, for sure! " I couldn't pass up on being invited over to a friends house. I'm pretty sure this was a good start to friendship.

He lived in a seven story apartment with a mom, a dad and a sister named Emily. His room was clustered with paper, candy wrappers and video game CD's . I pushed a few comic books off a chair and sat.

" did you study for the English quiz yet? " I ask trying to start a convo

" nah, hank zipzer doesn't need to study for quizzes. He gets A's so easily. " he smirks

His sister Emily pops out the door. " the highest grade you gat was a c+ " she remarks laughing mockingly

" shut up Emily! " he yells trying to aim the pillow to her but poorly misses.

I couldn't help it but laugh. I was glad to be an only child. He randomly lightly punches me in the stomach and smirks while we share eye contact.

" what? Too scared to fight a boy? Huh? " he says clenching his fist in a playful way

I decide to ignore him, but slaps in the face. He was really getting on my nerve. I jumped up and kick him in the legs and bounced on the top of him to lock away his arms. He struggled getting out.

" your good. But I must never be defeated. " he shouts out of breath

A let out a loud ha. I wanted to wait a while to see if you could get out. After a minute passed, I freely let him go. You could tell his cheeks turning red in embarrassment.

After, we played GTA on his brand new Xbox.
I'd agree he was pretty good. It would of only been my first time anyhow. My phone buzzed catching both our attention.

Message from mom
I'm here
She responds

I sigh and wave to hank, he came to his apartment door and slowly smiled.
" I had fun carol " trying to not to laugh but fails

" don't you even think about calling me that. " I say showing one fist

He sarcastically backs up and smiles then again. Damn, he had a cute smile.
" I had fun hank, it actually feels like we've known each other longer " I say blushing at my own sentence

" thanks, See you around Caroline "  he said closing the door

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