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A week past, and my I seemed to notice my feelings for hank got stronger. Sadly, he's been dating this Anya for the past month and a half, and I never knew! I'm gonna be honest, It made me a little jealous when she could hold his hand, and get hugs.
I suddenly snap out of my thoughts.

It was a Friday night, and I had just finished over homework. I had only made made three friends at this school anyhow, and they were all probably at a party I wasn't invited to. A sudden knock came to my door, I wondered what they were doing here. They had a big smile on their faces awaiting to say something.

" we're not gonna leave you here Caroline, " Ashley says waiting for a hug, while hank and Frankie come in as a group hug.

" wow guys, thanks. " I say appreciative

" we're going to hang out in the city, wanna come? " hank says

I nodded as we head on side walk.
My house was a ten minutes walk from the city, so we could just walk on the sidewalk.

" hank, where's Anya? " I ask getting next to hank.

" oh, yeah we got in a fight. Because I said, that I wanted to hang with you guys when she wanted me to go to this lame party. She said that I act like the worst boyfriend." he said rolling his eyes

" wow, I barely know her, and just by that. I can already tell her how she is " I chuckled

We entered in a small meat deli called the ______, it reminded me of a place where me and my old friends used to hang out. Who appeared to be owned by hank's grandpa, papa Pete. His gramps came running down to us for hugs and welcoming. He had white hair and an Italian accent.

We sat down near a big tilted window, gazing at the traffic. As teenagers, we all went on our phones either liking posts on Instagram, Snapchating their friends, or just looking at photos. My sight caught on hank, he looked focus very focused on what he was doing. He had his hair pushed back and wearing a tight grey shirt. I sudden hear my name being repeated multiple times.

" Caroline? " Frankie shakes me

" what " I ask annoyingly

" Your drooling on the table " he says disgusting

I immediately wipe my mouth on my sleeve. Sweat immediately ran up my spine, did hank see? I wondered.

" um, do you guys mind if I call Anya for a quick second? " he asks dialling the number

We all nodded, I just hoped that it would be a breakup or something and I could someday take the nerves to ask him out someday. But of course, he doesn't like me back, plus, he likes Anya and it won't change.

He came back leaving a light smile on his face. I knew it wasn't gonna something I was looking for.

" were good now. She apologized and told me she didn't mean it's " he says in a kinda relieved voice.
I sinked a bit in my seat. But I know I couldn't control any of this.. I changed my mind to a happier thought.

" Oh great, okay let's go to the skate park " Ashley says in a rushing voice, why would she
Wanna go to a skate park?

My mouth dropped open. She was going as fast as a jet. She was doing backflips in the air with a skateboard and went sideways. Almost made me dizzy watching.

" woah... " I say while my mouth is still open. How could a girl so sensitive and classy like her know how to do that! I couldn't even hold on to a hover board but she could do that.

Writers note: sorry for making this chapter so short:(

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