Chapter 5 - Part 1.

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I felt like you deserved a update, I was going to make this part longer but instead I’ll make it into two parts, so yeah. Enjoy xxx


Leila’s POV.

I woke up in exactly the same position I fell asleep in. Wrapped in Zayn’s arms, I knew I could lye here all day but I decided against it because I want to get out of here. I’ve only been awake one day and I already hate it, the smell, the look, the food. Everything. I looked up and rubbed my eyes; when my sight became clear I realised Zayn was staring down at me.

“Don’t stare at me” I whined.

“but you look so cute when you wake up” he teased.

“shut up” I tried moving but the pain that was becoming too familiar shot through my stomach plus, I had a really bad headache.

“ouch” I groaned.

“don’t move too quickly Leila! You’ll hurt yourself” I glared at him with a ‘well-nah’ look.

“I just want to go home” I moaned.

“you will be able too soon”

He grabbed me and pulled me back into his chest, some how I know if someone else would of done this it would of hurt my stomach but it seemed like with Zayn he couldn’t hurt me, how his touch was almost medicine for my body because all it seemed to do is help it and make all the pain go away. Although; I’m always stuck with this heart ache so I guess my theory was wrong, but that happens sometimes.

“Good morning Leila” Doctor Stewarts said entering the room.

“what’s good about it?” I said referring to the pain shooting through my stomach and my head.

“well it’s a gorgeous sunny day”

“yeah that’s just fab” I said sarcastically.

“Leila!” Zayn laughed, “you can’t say that”

“I can, because I just did. Now can we get these tests over and done with so I can go home?”

“yeah of course” the Doctor said.

He done many blood tests, which I don’t understand because I’ve already lost loads why does he have to take more out of me? Does he want me to die? About 3 hours later I was ready to go home, so I walked into the small ‘shower- room’ to get ready when I looked in the mirror I grimaced. It was a horrible sight, why does Zayn want to be seen with me? My hair is shoved up in a messy bun. I have no make up thanks to Harry and him not bringing me any. I give him credit for the outfit though, its nice. My favourite t-shirt and some shorts, exactly my style. Especially the converse, love that.

“ready?” Zayn asked.


“lets go then”

We got into Zayn’s car (a/n; I know he can’t drive, but in this he can okay?) and made our way back to Zayn’s. The doctor was right though, it was a really nice day. The sun was shining, I really wanted to go out but I was on bed rest, lets hope this weather is the same tomorrow.

Arriving home; I wasn’t able to hold my own luggage apparently and I was ordered to go straight up into the apartment. I looked at my phone, which I hadn’t in a few days. I had one text. Off my mother, my own mother only sent me one text while my whole time in hospital, lovely just.. Wonderful.

It read..

Hey Leila, sorry that I couldn’t visit. I was caught up with work, you can stay at Zayn’s an extra week if you want to, I don’t mind. I know your safe there. Love mom x

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