Chapter Four

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*If you know about me and choose to stay*

It wasn't long before a huge castle came into view my eyes slightly open wide at the sight.

"Thats where the ball is at?"i ask still staring at the castle

"Yeah its Lord Alexanders castle one of the strongest alphas in this territory its said the he's one of the most beautiful males to walk this earth"says Meg with a wink

"Right sure i kinda envision him as a old man with so much money that doesn't even know what to do with it"i reply a shrug

"Well his not he's actually throwing this ball cause he is looking for his mate"she replies as we pull into the castle drive way

"Will see then"i reply with a wink

Meg only smiles as the castle guards open our doors with bright smiles on their faces.

The male who opened my door slowly outstretched his hand for me.I slowly grabbed his hand while getting out of the car,his smile never left as he toke me in with his hungry eyes.

"Welcome Ladies the ball is right through those door".he says while looking us both up and down

"Thanks"says Meg with a wink while turning around and moving her hips as we walked up the steps

Once we walked inside the castle it was absolutely breathtaking with its light up walls and beautiful paintings hanging placed on the walls.

"Alright we can't go in together cause James might notice so il see you inside have fun love you"said Meg with a wink before disappearing into the huge castle doors that lead to the ball room.

I stood there thinking if i should go in or not but my body made its own decision and my legs started moving on their own toward the door.Once the doors opened music and people talking filled the air i glance between so many faces I couldn't tell who was who.

The ball room was even more stunning then the front entrance there was a huge crystal chandelier hanging right above the dance floor while four more beautiful light up chandeliers hung around the center one, there where flowers and roses on the side of the room with bright red curtains and to the left there was a beautiful balcony.

I slowly made my way down the steps as i looked around the room all the way to the other staircase at the end of the ball room that lead to who knows where but every each of this room is something out of a fairytale.

I see the desserts table and im immediately drawn to it,the table had so many different things I've never would've ever eaten.I slowly tried the desserts as i looked around the room and i noticed Meg talking with two beautiful males in black tuxedos both smiling at her and slightly touching her arm or her waist.

I averted my eyes to the table and grabbed a strawberry as i was gonna but it in my mouth strange hands go around my waist and i stood still wondering who it could be.

"Are you planning on eating the whole table beautiful"hes raspy voice send chills down my body as he slowly turns me around

My eyes land on those dark eyes that I remember so clearly,I smile at him while putting the strawberry into my mouth he's eyes land mouth watching my every move as i bite into the strawberry then i slowly lick my lips.

"Thats none of your concern"i reply as i step out of his large hands and walk away.

Once again I didn't even make it two feet away from him when he grabbed my hand a turned me around to face him.

"Would you care for a dance?"said Isaac with a smirk

I hesitated for a few seconds before i finally gave in and said yes i mean whats the worst that can happen his single,im single why not give this a chance to see where it goes either it leads to sex or something else I didn't mind either way.

He pulled me close as we started dancing his arm around my waist while the other hold my hand in place i looked up at his dark stare and it kinda remained me of something, of someone i just couldn't make it out.I didn't give it much thought as he slowly spins me around then dips me,i laugh as he brings me back up while looking into my eyes this moment felt so foreign to me even though i was with Mick we never had nothing like, actual fun well we did have sex once not worth the mention.

"What are you thinking about?"he whispers into my ear

"That I haven't had this much fun dancing before"I replied with a shy smile

"Me either"he reply's just as the songs ends he holds my hand as he guides me over to the balcony.

Once we are outside on the balcony the nights sky is absolutely beautiful bright with millions of starts down below there is a garden with a huge fountain ,there's fireflies flying on the waters surface it's breathtaking to say the least.

"You look absolutely stunning"says Isaac as he stands next to me

"Thank you so do you"i say while looking at him with a sly smile

He bites his lip as he slowly pulls me close and says "that red lipstick makes your lips irresistible"

I can feel my face heating up at his honest words that I don't even know what to do.

He notices my embarrassment and slowly caress my check with his warm fingers.

I hide all my embarrassment and nerves as i say before i can stop myself "then why don't you taste them"

He seems surprised at my boldness but doesn't miss a beat as he slowly moves closer to me his lips inches away from mine he brushes a finger down my bottom lip before smashing his lips on mine in a hot kiss.My arms go around his neck as i pull him closer to me with need his lips feel so good against mine i really missed kissing someone.

He pulls away to quickly for my liking as he says " why don't we take this upstairs?"

I catch my breath as my mind raps around his bold words,do i want to go upstairs with him i mean the kiss was hot but I don't think there was anything else there at least i think so,The hell with it.

I nod at him and a smile appears on his perfect face before he drags us out of the balcony and into the ball room I slowly clean his lips that where tinted pink from our kiss.

Once we emerge into the ball room one of the guards at the top of the stairs pulls everyone's attention toward the staircase as he says.

Lord Alexander Smith Alpha of the Oceans Pack.

And walks out the most beautiful male I've ever seen my heart stops as he walks down the steps as everyone bows there heads in his presence everyone but me im to shocked to even move as his eyes land on mine then at the hand around my waist.

A loud growl sounds in the whole ball room making the chandeliers shake and everyone covering their ears as he stalks toward us.Isaac's hand disappears from my waist as Alexander stands in front of us.

I look over at Isaac and he looks at me with sadness in his eyes as he knows what is happening i on the other hand didn't know why this gorgeous male was before me until he said one word that shatter my whole world.



Picture is Isaac.

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