Chapter Eleven

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*I'm broken here tonight and darling, no one else can fix me*

I get out of bed,looking around the room looking for some way out,I already tried the door and it was locked.

"Andy can you let me out?"i say through the door

"Sorry E I can't alphas orders"says Andy

"Fuck his orders come on Andy"

Im only Answered with silence, Great...not the sarcasm well i guess i have to get out myself.

I walk over to the balcony to find it's unlocked perfect i walk out and i notice its not a long fall,i see the balcony to my room little to left i can make that.

I jumped onto the railing of the balcony, I look down and jump with no hesitation the fall was quick I landed on the balcony with ease I check my balcony doors to find they are unlocked. I enter my room to find all the lights off.I don't bother to turn the lights on,I head straight to my dresser finding my clothes I hop into the shower to wash away all that happened the night before the water felt like a warm blanket it was comforting in away.

I finish and got dressed once i was done I walk into my room I find Alexander sitting on my bed looking straight at me.

"What are you doing here?"i ask

He didn't say a word as he stood he stormed straight toward me I didn't have much of a chance to move or react as he slammed his lips on mine.I react to his kiss with need and desperation for his touch i knew better then to fall for it but I needed this just of much as he needed me.His hands roamed my body feeling every inch of me,i throw my arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss exploring every inch of my mouth.

I pulled away realizing what i was doing and distance myself from him, he doesn't get the message because he tries to pull me closer again.

"Stop Alexander"

"I thought i was gonna lose you my wolf needs you close"he says as he try's once again to grab me

"Now you want me convenient"i reply with a laugh

"Im serious Erina"he says as he moves closer

"So am I get out"i say as i pull the door open

He walked toward the door only to close it and pin me against it holding me in place.

"Do you know what it felt like to see you laying on the ground bleeding and not responding to me it was like someone just ripped my heart out and was dangling it in my face yet I couldn't reach,i almost lost you so i need you to understand i want you close to me i need your touch."he says as he pulls me close burying his face in my neck

At his words I didn't know what to make out of them does he actually care for me or is it his wolf talking if only he would just admit he wants me for something other then sex.

I find myself bringing my arms around him pulling him close as I buried my face in his scent,enjoying this moment even though i know it won't last.

He pulls away and looks at me with the same tenderness i saw in the woods something i beryl see,

"Come lets go eat something"he says as he grabs my hand, I find myself nodding at his words and following him.

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