part 29 zak takes Lucy to hospital

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Zak wakes up and get him self dressed then he walked in to lucy room and she was still a sleep so zak open up her drowers and pull out some New clothes then lucy was stretching then zak walked over to her bed and picked her up and put her on his lap and put her trainers on her and then her top.

Zak took her down stairs and do her some toast then Zak done her one slice and she was eating her toast  Zak put her trainers on and Zak put his trainers on and done up his shoelaces and picked her up and open the car and put her in her car seat and clipped her in  Zak closed the door.

  he jumped in and put his sit belt on and he driving to the hospital then they got there and Zak parked up and clipped out lucy and closed the door and he locked  the car up and he picked up lucy.

  Zak walked in to the reception and they gave him a sign form and he sat down when lucy saw some toys  she was playing with them.

Zak was finally out a form then Zak was done and gave it back to the reception Zak was watching his daughter then she came back with a toy car  she was playing where her daddy was sitting  she got called then zak picked up lucy and the doctor said ok we are going to give you a new cast then the doctor said to lucy what colour do you want.

  she picked pink then the doctor said to zak you need to keep watch what lucy does because if she does break this one the bone will not heal then Zak said ok .

the doctor was done then zak picked up Lucy but then lucy said daddy can I get down then zak said alright but hold my hand then lucy done her told  Zak and lucy walked to the car then Zak opened the car then Zak picked up lucy and put her in her car seat and clipped her in.

they went back home then Zak looked at lucy she bored  Zak opened up the box of her kitchen toy lucy was happy  Zak was looking at the intersection how to do it then Zak was looking at the pictures and then he almost done it then Zak done the last pieces then it was done then zak was playing with his daughter then Zak took a picture of his daughter and zak put it on his front cover on his phone.

  lucy jumped on her daddy lap and kept on pressing the click button and it keep on changing then Zak took the phone of lucy and playing with her toys then Zak looked at his picture then he kept them on his phone then Zak was still thinking what to do with is daughter then Zak got hold of his mom and said it quite do you want to look after lucy for me when I go on the trip with gac.

  Zak mom said yes so  zak said ok I will tell lucy  his mom said ok I need to go bye then Zak hung up then zak sat on the stairs and he was felling to cry then he did then lucy walked to her daddy then lucy was trying to climb up on  daddy then zak picked her up then lucy said no daddy don't cry  then lucy was hugging her daddy then zak hugging her too then Zak put lucy on his lap.

Zak said to his daughter Lucy I am leaving you with grammar then lucy was crying and screaming  Zak said I am going to a dangerous place baby I want to take you but I can't I will talk to you everyday and night then Lucy was holding on to her daddy very very tight then lucy said when do you go daddy in a little kid voice then zak said I am going tomorrow afternoon.

  Zak carried lucy upstairs with him to get her stuff packed then lucy was still crying then lucy said daddy can I sleep with you toning then zak said yes sweetheart you can then lucy was holding on to her daddy hand then Zak picked up lucy and put her down on the bed.

Zak is now,doing is clothes and putting in the suitcase when Zak was done they both sat on the bed and lucy was cured up in a ball and sleeping on her daddy.

Zak was watching tv and thinking if he is doing the right think then Zak felt a cold brass and it was lucy mum and she was saying yes you are doing the right think and please be save today Zak i will be with you today too but please think about your daughter she is happy to have you zak so be save goodbye.

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