Chapter 21

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Jungkook was fucking pissed, not at Taehyung but more at himself. The only thoughts running through his head was idiot, idiot, I'm a motherfucking idiot. I don't deserve Taehyung. He sighed as he took another sip of his water. He didn't want to get drunk. After running into Jimin, he had immediately gone to the closest bar.

Maybe I could go back and talk to him and we could work things ou-Oh, who am I kidd-

"Hey, Jungkook," a familiar voice said, seductively, pulling him out of his thoughts.

"What the fuck do you want, Lisa?"

"I just wanted to play," Lisa said innocently, batting her eyelashes and attempting to grind against the boy.

But Jungkook wasn't having it. "Fuck off, Lisa," he basically growled.

"Aw, are you not in the mood? Did you get into a fight with your boy toy? What was his name?" She pretended to think. "Oh right, Taehyung. Does he not want you anymore?"

Jungkook took a deep breath, he had promised his mom he would try to cut down on the fights but Lisa was seriously aggravating him.

"Lisa, I will gladly punch you in the face and you and I both know I don't care that you're a girl." Jungkook was raised to believe in equal rights and he knew that Lisa could take it without any problems. (i hate it when im reading a fanfic and its like "he raised his hand to hit her bit then lowered it realizing she was a girl" like ???????????? just cause she a girl dont mean she cant take a smack to the face smh)

 "Whatever," Lisa said as she walked away.

"Fucking finally," Jungkook muttered under his breath, deciding to walk back to the dorm.


When Jungkook got back to the dorm, Taehyung was already fast asleep, curled up in bed in a hoodie that was all too familiar to Jungkook.

Is that-no it can't be-but it looks exactly like it-no maybe he bought another hoodie like that.

Jungkook brushed off the thoughts in his head, but when Taehyung moved he could see the hoodie better. He saw the same cigarette burns and how the zipper was still a little broken and how the  strings were all chewed up.

He's wearing my hoodie, but why? I mean we're fighting  so why would he wear it? 

Jungkook just shook his head and decided to sleep as well.

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