There is a very thin line between hearing and seeing what is actually real, or seeing and hearing what you wish was real.
The distant noise of gunshots and courtroom trials from the TV turns out to be the screaming and banging of your parents as they fight in the basement.
The distant smile on your brother's face reveals it's true form as a knowing smirk, already having his next verbal punch prepared as he presses your parents buttons endlessly until they undoubtedly erupt.
The relationships in the house could efficiently and indefinitely be put under the term "insane". The definition of insane, after all, is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
The ceiling analogy represents this insane relationship with precision and honesty.
As you hear the fight, you lay your head back on your couch and look at the line-imprinted ceiling. After a while, the lines begin to disappear, and the ceiling is smooth.
But, this unblemished image of the ceiling can only remain for a short while until your eyes are instinctively forced to refocus, and you once again see the lines and faults.
The family, being the ceiling, acts and functions as any "happy" family would, and after a while, the family members themselves may begin to believe they are in fact "happy" in their relationships as they are.
But eventually, something triggers them to refocus, and they see their relationships for how they really are.
When they refocus, you watch from safely behind the window as they blow up upon one another, showing the true extent of how disgruntled their relationships are.
But do not fret, do not worry. You detach from your emotions and block them out, knowing all too well, this process with restart once again in the morning, as everyone's distorted ceiling begins to seem smooth once again.
A Penny for My Thoughts
PoetryEver so often, I seem to make a mental and emotional 180 from my normal self into the thoughts and feelings you may or may not be about to read about.