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When does one cross the line between where they simply want something, to when they absolutely need it?

People say that very few things are legitimately needed and can be considered essential to human life, such as food, water, and shelter. The raw basics. But is it not true, that each persons "basics" vary individually? While one man cannot live without a certain food, another cannot live with it, and vise versa. So who is to say that everyone's raw basics must be a form of food, water, or shelter?

Throughout our human lives, we inevitably become attached to someone, or something, that cannot necessarily be considered an essential to everyone else's livelihood. But to us, it may be. That thing or person becomes your rock, your foundation, and your sanity without even trying to.

As the saying goes, "you never know what you have until it's gone". It's the same concept. We never know how much we rely, how attached we become, how reliant on one subject we can become until suddenly the oh-so-stable rock we hold onto slips from our grasp. And it is seemingly only then when we are truly open to the idea that we, in fact, can no longer function without that subject.

The subject is like a drug, an addiction, and one more lethal than meth or heroine or cocaine. It's unlike anything you can buy through the black market or get from a dealer. It's something we cannot truly exist without.

To some, such a dependence is comforting. To others, such as myself, it can be nerve-wracking and unstable. To one who is normally so in control of their emotions, their level of attachment or detachment, and reasoning skills when it comes to that one subject, it can be a nightmare.

Let me elaborate for those not of this mindset.

In my situations, generally, I can easily detach or attach to someone or something, without any worry of how it will affect me, because in general it won't at all. I can be the warmest of hearts one minute, and the coldest of all the next. For me, I'm normally very detached, and attached to a rare few.

But then there are my "raw basics".

The ones who I can't control how attached I get to them.

The ones whom I would break if I have to detach from.

To others, they may not be requirements, but I cannot go without them. They are my clarity, my flooring, and the weights that keep me on this earth to live another day.

As I was told by my very own rock, "it's not about wanting you around anymore, it's about needing you here".


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