t h i r t e e n

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we were sat on harvey's couch when we hear a knock on the door.
harvey jumps up and walks swiftly over to the door and unlocks it.
i hear a bunch of voices talking and then i begin hearing my name multiple times.

" come in then i guess " harvey says and he opens the door wider revealing wyatt,anna, mikaela and some other boy who i didn't recognise.
my face lights up and i run over giving them all individual hugs.
" it's great to finally meet you guys " i smile and then turn to face the ' new boy ', " and i don't think we've met "
" oh yeah, i'm ryan " he says, flashing me a friendly smile.
" i'm ch- " i begin but he cuts me off immediately.
" i know, harvey talk ab-" he says but harvey slaps his hand over ryan's mouth.
i laugh and then turn to the others.
" ryan left the group chat ages ago and we never added him back in because he's annoying " anna explains.
" no you guys were spamming so much my phone was slowing down "
" maybe you should of had a better phone " wyatt says and i just stand there watching the clearly very close group of friends bicker.
" i do now " ryan says in defence and they all laugh.

we all sit down and i'm suddenly bombarded with questions.
" what's america like ? " mikaela asks.
" boring to be honest. i mean to me anyway but that's probably because i've lived there my whole life. it's like you'd say the same about england, where as to me england is way more interesting " i explain and everyone stares at me with wide eyes.
" okay Gordon Ramsay calm down "wyatt says and everyone looks at him confused.
" who ? " i ask.
" wyatt he's a chef "anna says, raising her eyebrows.
" oh, then who's a famous author? "
" wyatt, i didn't think you could get any more stupid but you've proven me wrong " ryan says and everyone laughs.
i have to admit, harvey has some pretty good friends.

short ugly chapter because i'm tired.
i wrote some of this in the car and my brother looked over my shoulder and said, " what's this then "
and i was like hdjejsh.
if he found out i wrote fanfics and had a fan account i'd never hear the end of it.
- amelia

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