"they've probably been hacked, bro"

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june 2015

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june 2015

"OH MY GOD" sam and (y/n) heard from up the stairs. their heads turned to the stampede on the ceiling and the loud barking that followed. tom's body came flying down the stairs after tessa and he flung himself into the kitchen. sam and (y/n) followed him and joined the others.

tom stood jumping from one foot to another, his heart almost bounding out of his chest. tessa barked at his feet, her paws on his thighs

"i've got it," he started. "i'm gonna be spider-man." dom and nikki's eyes widened. paddy and sam stood in shook as (y/n) ran to tom. her arms wrapped around his neck and his around her waist.

"congrats tom" she whispered into his ear.

"dude," harry started. "they've probably been hacked, bro" everyone stared at harry and tom pulled out of (y/n)'s embrace. "they would call you. they would let you know"

"that's true" tom sighed disheartenedly nikki and doms smiled fell as they saw their eldest child's mood change instantly. sam and paddy stopped smiling as well and tessa began to calm down. (y/n) stepped over to harry and slapped his arm.

"haz, you can't say that" she whispered as he rubbed his arm.

"why not? they probably have been, tom wouldn't get it" they both looked over at tom as he was being comforted by her parents.

"i'm just gonna-i'll call my agent. see what's going on" his head left nikki's shoulder as he stalked back to his room. distant chatter was heard from his room. nikki and dom busied themselves as paddy ran outside with tessa. harry sat at the dining table, tapping away on his laptop. (y/n) and sam were in the living room, sat in silence. she was sat on his lap, her legs on one side of his body. her hands rested on her lap as her head was against sam's chest. his arms were wrapped around her body, pulling her in close.

"i can't believe harry said that. he should be happy for tom" she sniffled.

"it'll be okay. i'm 100 percent sure tom got the role"

"so am i, but it's just what he said-"

"guys!" tom's voice called. "guys!" he ran down the stairs, skipping the last few. everyone ran into the kitchen and formed a semi circle around him.

"i got the part! i actually got the part!" he smiled widely as everyone began hugging him tightly.

"congratulations" everyone said in a chorus.

"who called? who confirmed?" nikki asked.

"kevin feige. he told me. i'm spider-man"

"tom," dom smiled. "we're so proud of you"

"let's go out to eat" nikki suggested.

"sounds good"


"let's do that" everyone said in reply.

all the hollands pulled on their jackets and headed out. they left tessa barking at the door and started to find a restaurant.

the night ended quickly, much to everyone's dismay, and they headed home. once the door was locked and their pyjamas were on, they fell fast asleep.

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