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Third person POV
Once on the flight deck of the nemesis Silverwing kept staring at the sky waiting to take off and fly away into the sun; her wings twitching just by the thought of them hitting the sky. Shockwave turned and walked over to her by the edge of the deck. Silverwing walked past him, using her tail to trip him on the way. She turned her head and smirked at the downed mech, Starscream stifled a laugh getting a glare from his leader "Starscream since you seem so interested in the predacons tricks, it will be your responsibility to tame it and make sure it doesn't wreak the warship" the seeker looked up at his leader, stunned then slightly nodded.

Silverwing POV
If he keeps calling me 'it' I will personally strangle him, and wait did he just say that Starscream guy had to 'tame me' oh just GREAT now I gotta deal with this guy on my tail, Well ain't this gonna be a joy. I walked over to the 'kennel' as Megatron calls and layed down near the entrance, my head on my front claws and tail tucked inwards, I tried to sleep, to get away from it all, to dream of a world where I could just fly all day long.

Starscream POV
Megatron just left me with the predacon, did he really expect me to tame the beast outrageous, he really is trying to kill me! I walked over to the dragon like beast and kicked it with my ped "Get up you ungrateful brute" I said. The thing just growled and rolled over to face away from me, I was starting to lose my temper with this thing "that is it, get up right now or else Megatron with have BOTH our heads" ugh I feel like I'm commanding a youngling. The predacon got up and simply moved to sit down in the sunlight; annoying little pest, this is going to take some getting used too.

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