~°in dreams and memories°~

465 15 7

Silverwing POV
I was cold, so so cold, I thought my wings would freeze over and shatter. I opened my optics to see I was laying on ice in what looked like a sort of tundra.

I looked around and noticed that I was laying in the entrance of a cave, icicles above my head, "ok that's......odd" is what I thought.

I suddenly noticed some light behind me, I was so bright that I had to squint to see through it. I got up and walked towards it cautiously, as I got closer I could hear soft voices, one of then sounded so familiar.

As I reached the light source I couldn't see but I could hear "are you sure nothing will come down on us" the voice said "hundred percent"

I learned in closer to hear better when I then heard something unexpected, "Trust me Silver we'll get out of this"

Third-person POV
Silverwing woke up with a jolt and breathing heavily, she looked around and saw that she was still on the nemesis, with a heavy sigh of relief she layed her head on her claws and tried to fall back asleep, however sleep would be a lond time coming.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2018 ⏰

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