[A/N] [Future Books]

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Hey, guys it's me....so I have been thinking about the future about this account. I wanted to think about new books for the future. These books are individual ships plus bangchin. Here are the books I thought about and they are on my bio. 

**I'm sorry for the blurry covers. I just reupdated to put up the covers.** 

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Sinb and J-hope have known each other since they were born. Their parents are best friends. They know everything about each other. What they don't know about each other is that they both are going to be part of a K-pop group. They're afraid that their friendship is going to end. They tell each other and stayed connected, but what happens when each phone gets taken away. How are they suppose to talk to each other? What will J-hope say when he finally notices that his in love with Sinb? Will J-Hope ever confess or is it too late. Will Sinb accept or is it the end of their friendship? Tell me when you started to fall for me? 

 Will Sinb accept or is it the end of their friendship? Tell me when you started to fall for me? 

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Yuju has been bullied ever since she was in grade school. Jimin always noticed Yuju but when he defended her. She noticed him and when she did, she fell for him. As they grew up Jimin was always that boy who never noticed her. He had forgotten about her. Yuju got bullied once again. She was the girl who was always smart. Jimin noticed Yuju getting bullied once again...he wanted to help but his friends just laughed at Yuju. He was mad and worried about herself. What will happen when Jimin figures out Yuju's secrets? Since when did you do this?

 What will happen when Jimin figures out Yuju's secrets? Since when did you do this?

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Suga was never a fan of anyone. Umji always had her eyes on a certain boy. Suga always noticed Umji when they were younger, but when he grew up he stopped. He didn't want to be with Umji since she wasn't his kind. When Suga gets a bet from his friends he is forced to be with Umji. The bet...don't fall in love. Once she falls in love and says "I love you" break up with her. Tell her it's a joke. Suga doesn't want this to happen to Umji. He knows about her past and how she got heart broken by a guy who just used her. Will Suga be the next guy to break Umji's heart? When truth hurts and it was just a joke?

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