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*Dedicated to @HRKOsgood for being the first to comment on this story!!!*

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*Dedicated to @HRKOsgood for being the first to comment on this story!!!*

I'm starting to wonder why I ever became friends with the nutters I'm forced to call my friends. I got up at three o'clock in the effing morning, so that I could start brewing the potion. Love you too guys.

I sat in the Room of Requirement putting beetle eyes into the cauldron supplied by the Room.

Stopping the yawn that was building up, I stood up and stretched. The potion had to simmer for 24 hours before I could do any more work.

I decided I should pay back the Marauders for making me get up this early for them. I raced as fast as I could to their dormitory and glanced at my wristwatch. It was four-thirty in the morning, and I had revenge in mind.

"Remus! Black! James! Peter!" I called chirpily. I heard a groan behind me and I turned around and smiled widely at Sirius. "Wake up!" I exclaimed.

I watched as Sirius, Remus, and Peter rolled out of bed. Unfortunately, I wasn't paying attention to James who was in his bed behind me.

An arm grabbed me from behind and pulled me into the bed with them. I screamed and lashed out. The other three boys laughed as I thrashed around.

I turned around and saw James Potter holding me around my waist. Apparently he was still asleep. How, I'm not really sure.

I smacked him upside the head and he woke up with a jerk. "What?" James asked, evidently confused.

"You pulled me into your bed in your sleep," I explained, still trying to calm my racing heart.

"I've done that to Remus before," James mused. I started laughing so hard that I fell off the bed. I rolled over someone's foot and started laughing even harder when I saw it was Remus'.

I laughed for ten more minutes before Sirius decided to shut me up by performing the Silencing Charm. That spell is both my best friend and mortal enemy. A few minutes of giving the puppy dog eyes, and Remus cracked, releasing me from the hell I was in.

I sat on James' bed and waited for the Marauders to finish getting ready for the day. I was already done getting ready since I was up at THREE O'CLOCK this morning.

By the time they were done, I had had enough time to think of a prank to play. We slipped out of their dorm and down to the Common Room.

"James and Black, you two are together. You get to do Ravenclaw. Remember, yellow and black. Remus and Peter, you two get to do Gryffindor in blue and bronze. I'll do Slytherin and Hufflepuff. If you run into any problems, send a Patronus to one of us," I concluded.

The four boys nodded vigorously and James, Sirius, and I snuck out of the portrait hole.

James and Sirius left for the Ravenclaw Tower and I headed towards the dungeons. I changed into a wolf the second the boys were out of sight.

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