Part 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or abything of Twilight or the fast and furious

My name is Isabella Toretto..yes that's Toretto as in Dominic Toretto's little sister and Mia Toretto's big sister. Just like my big brother im known for street racing, I cant help it it's in my blood and of course I'm a natural born winner with my black 1967 Chevy Impala. I'm part of Dom's crew...wait no we're not a crew, We're a family, We ride or Die. We race for family or we die for family by racing. Like Dom, I live my life a quarter mile at a time. Nothing else matters: not the mortgage, not the store, not my team and all their bullshit. For those ten seconds or less, I'm free.

Letty is the big sister I always wanted, Leon and Vince are the type of big brothers I never wanted and Jesse, well Jesse is special. He's the best friend and little brother I never had but always wanted, he never judges the choices I make he's more of a go with the flow kind of guy. I made my choice at 18 to get a degree in automotive engineering, that was 4 years ago. Today im 22 years old with an degree and yet I'm still pulling Mia's shifts at the store...not that I really mind. I mean this cute blonde has been coming in for the last 3 to 4 weeks ordering the same thing. so what makes today any different? nothing it's the same.

here I am working Mia's shift yet again so she can stay after school for some shit and in walks mr. cute blonde. I turn around to face him "Tuna on white. No crust, right?" he gives me this shit eating grin.. "I don't know. How is it?"

I had to laugh at that "Every day for the last three weeks you've been coming in here and you've been asking me how the tuna is. Now, it was crappy yesterday, it was crappy the day before and guess what? It hasn't changed."

again with the shit eating man! "I'll have the tuna."

"No crust?"

"No crust."

just as I set his sandwich down I hear the guys coming down the road, its really hard not to tell its them by the sounds of their cars. Vince gets out and tells jess some shit bout his car, I just ignore it and go about my normal shit, but I hear Vince talking to Leon and I knew shit was gonna go down again..

"What is this guy sandwich crazy or something?"

"Nah. He ain't here for the food, V."

Vince leans over the counter says hi to me then looks over to blondie...hmm blondie? haha guess that's what ill call him..well here we go with this shit.

"Why don't you try Fat Burger from now on? You can get yourself a cheese and fries for 2.95, faggot!"

"I like the tuna here." blondie has a thing for having a shit eating fucking grin

"Bullshit asshole, no one likes the tuna here!"

"Yeah well I do"

AN: please don't be to harsh this is my first crossover! :O i hope you all like It.! reviews please!

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