Part 3

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the race started off with me and Dom being neck and neck and some in 3rd and blondie fighting with Edwin for 3rd and went like that for a while til blondie hit his first shot of NOS and caught up to me and Dom but of course us Torettos have our own bit of NOS in our cars and well we hit ours and take off and as a buster would do mr. blondie hit his 2nd shot of NOS way to soon thinking that he had us..naturally Dom and I took 1st and 2nd. I get out to talk to Dom as the buster came rolling up with smoke coming out his car and some how for some ungodly reason he emerged from his car sporting a smile. Dom looked over to him
"what are you smiling about"
"Dude I almost had you!" buster says still smiling
"You almost had me?" dom says skeptically "You never had me, you never had bella and you never had your car...granny shifting and not double clutching like you should. You're lucky that hundred shot of NOS didn't blow the welds on the intake! You almost had me?" he walks around his car
"you tell him Dominic. Get out of here" some guy yells and busters face falls just a little bit as Dom starts again
"Now, me and the mad scientist got to rip apart the block...and replace the piston rings you fried" Dome pauses "ask any racer. any real racer. it doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile. winning is winning" and at that moment leon comes over the walkie shouting that we got cops coming, so we all scatter. I head back to the fort with Mia, just like Dom always told us to, Leaon and Vince show up with out Dom and that immediately pisses me off so I stock up to the two and get in their faces.
"WHERE THE FUCK IS DOM?!" they just seemed stunned for a second before answering
"We don't know bells"
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW?! YOU'RE HIS BEST FRIENDS YOUR SUPPOSE TO HAVE HIS BACK SO WHY ARENT YOU OUT THERE HAVING IT?!" they have the audacity not to answer and to throw a fucking party. Im pacing Mias room, as she lays on her bed doing her home work, worrying about where Dom could be or what could have happened to him and then I hear a car door slam. I race to the window and see Dom and the buster getting out of a cab.. oh shit..something happed. I tear down the stairs as Dom heads toward Vince
"This your beer?"
"Yeah that's my beer" Vince pauses "Yo Dom! why'd you bring the busta here?" Vince yelled oh shit I could see Dom was pissed and he turned to face Vince once again
"Because the busta kept me outta handcuffs, he didn't just run back to the fort, the buster brought me back!" well that seemed to shut Vince up as Dom turned back to the buster.
"You can have any brew you want as long as it's a Carona" he says holding up two beer bottles to the buster, and of course he just happned to grab the bottle out of Doms right hand
"That was Vinces so enjoy it" oh boy did that set ince off and as the buster went to the bathroom vince had started his rant and started in on the buster so I got in between them and pushed Vince "CUT THE SHIT VINCE! YOU'RE ALREADY ON MY BAD SIDE! " I turned to the buster "come on lets go get me a drink" we walk into the other room
"so whats your story Brian?" he turns to me with a shocked look on his face so this is where I get the shit eatting grin
"Y-You know my name?" I look in to his eyes
"so you really don't remember me do you?" I say kind of sadly
he shakes his head "no, should I?" I turn away from him and try to get myself together before having to relive my past "Freshman year of college I went to barstow with a friend for spring break and I meet this amzingly sweet blue eyed, blonde headed buster who instanly clicked with me so we started to chill with me everyday and slowly opened up to me about everything and eventually brought me home to meet his family only to have to save me from his own father who wanted nothing more then to basically kill me just to hurt his son." I say as my eyes fill with tears i hear his breath hitch as he takes in all that ive told him.
"Bells?" he barley whispers, I don't trust my own voice so all I can do is nod my head "is it really you? I mean like im not dreaming at all am I? I-I searched for you for so long after that day, you just disappeared. why? why would you leave me like that?" I can hear the hurt in his voice but I cant bring myself to look at him...

AN: so I know all you racers have been waiting for me to update, just wanted to inform you all that as it draws closer to christmas im going to be so much busier at work with extra shifts and trying to keep up with my school work but Ill try to update as much as I can just stay with me. Ride or Die.

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