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"Aww Kai I cant believe you did this for me" you exclaim in excitement as you look into the eyes of the little kitten Kai had in his hands.
"Yea I found him behind a dumpster I figured you and I could share a little snack." He smirks
You punch his arm and take the kitten before he could follow through on his statement. You knew he was kidding but then again he is a sociopath.
"Awwwww lets name him Teddy!" You squeal like a little girl.
"That's the ugliest name I've heard we should name him Kai jr.."
you frown at him and then put on you cutest face and say "PLEASE!!!!"
Kai looks at you for a second then says
"You know I will give in if you make that face"
"Thats why I make that face, now I'm gonna set up an appointment for Teddy at the vet make sure he doesn't have ear mites or anything."
"Ewww I would have left him there if I know he had ear mites!" Kai looks at the kitten in disgust.
"Aww shut up he's to cute to leave behind and you know it" you kiss the little kitten and pull out you phone and look up some numbers to call for the cat.
"He isn't replacing me or I'll seriously kill him." Kai says coming closer you you. You protectively stand at an angle where the kitten was between you and Kai.
"He hasn't yet but he's pretty close" you say pecking Kai on the lips
"I can live with that, plus I need a little competition. He gently snatched the kitten from your hands and looks into this eyes. The kitten softly meows and Kai smiles. He turns to you and says
"Damn he already won didn't he"

Kai Parker ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now