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Gabriel: *walks into room* Hm?

Claudia: Why'd you put us back?

Gabriel: Because the mall was closing. Which is funny, cause it's only ten in the morning here~

Claudia: What? But... But I...

Gabriel: I sent you two to a mall in New York...two weeks ago....

Claudia: What?? But you sent us four hours ago

Gabriel: Well, I knew that if I sent you two to the current date it would be freaking busy.  So...I sent you two weeks back.

Claudia: Wait... But... Then... Does that mean Jo.... *Groans rubbing forhead* And I didn't even get you guys presents!

Ruth: *holds up her bags, grinning successfully*

Claudia: If you hadn't ran off maybe I would've!

Ruth: *shrugges, placing the bags on the table, and walking over to Gabriel, kissing him*

Claudia: Ew. *Goes over to one of Gabriel's candy bags and takes out a Smarties*

Gabriel: *breaks from kiss* Hey~ Those are mine~

Claudia: Nope!

Gabriel: *glares playfully, before pulling Ruth closer to him, and disappearing*

Claudia: *tilts head, staring at the spot where they just were  * Well then...They better keep it down. I need my beauty sleep.*Grabs a starburst and unwraps it before nibbling on it*

Claudia: *hears a noise* *whispers* Oh come on are they actually- *walks over opening up their door before tilting head seeing no one's there* Huh?

Claudia: *looks at the other two rooms* Guys! *Whispers* Please don't be having sex. Please don't be having sex. *Opens door and sees they're not there* Are they playing with me?

Gabriel: *looks at Claudia confused* What? No. Is something wrong?

Ruth *looks at Claudia with slight worry*

Claudia: I heard a noise. O thought it was you guys. Where were you?

Gabriel: In here...

Claudia: huh... Maybe it's just the wind then?

Gabriel: Ma-Oh! *looks behind Claudia in slight shock*

Claudia: *tenses* Is there someone behind me? *Thinks in head* ImGonnaDie ImGonnaDie ImGonnaDie ImGonnaDie ImGonnaDie ImGonnaDie It's a murder isn't it!? No! Be rational! It's probably a burglar! But I'm the closest and he'll kill me!

Ruth: *nods head, smirking slightly*

Claudia: *Thinks in head* Ok. There are only two ways that can happen. One. I can scream and run behind Gabriel. Two, I can grab that lamp right there and smash it across this person's face! Buying us enough time to escape and call the cops! *Grabs lamp hitting it at person*

?: *doesn't even flinch, looking at Claudia with his head tilted in confusion*

Claudia: *opens eyes seeing Castiel* ............ *Face starts to redden* I- I'm s-s-sorry..

Castiel: It's fine...

Gabriel: What are you doing here Castiel?

Castiel: I came to check on The Neph-er, Ruth.

Gabriel: She's fine like she always is. I've been watching over her.

Castiel: Good....

Gabriel: When was it your job to watch her in the first place?

Of Angels, Dimensions, and Winchesters  {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now