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Claudia: *sitting across from Ruth in a chair* ...

Bobby: I brought some food for you guys...

Ruth: *holds her bandaged head* Thanks...

Bobby: *nods before giving her food then looking at Claudia* Want some?

Claudia: *shakes head*

Bobby: *turns to Dean* Dean... I got you some food too.

Dean: *staring at Sam's lifeless body* No. I'm not hungry

Bobby: Dean.. you need to eat...

Dean: *stands up abruptly* I said no! Why are you even still here!? *looks at Ruth and Claudia* All of you!

Bobby: Dean, calm down...

Dean: No! Now leave! All of you!...NOW!

Bobby: *silent for a few moments before walking out*

Claudia: *helps Ruth up* C'mon Ruth..

Ruth: But what about, *groans* Moose?

Claudia: *glares at her* This is no time to call him that. *Looks down sadly* or any other...

Ruth: *Leans head of Claudia's shoulder* Sorry~ *both of them exit the house*

Gabriel: *appears next to Claudia* I came to get you two.. *holds Ruth* how are you feeling?

Ruth: *groans, nuzzling into him* My head hurts~

Claudia: How did... You know we were here?

Gabriel: Well, I am Ruth's guardian angel, plus we're soulmates

Claudia: What? *groans* I just learned about Sam's death... I don't need to know anything for a while...

Ruth: Just?... We've already... seen this episode!

Claudia: *glares at Ruth* You know what? I'll just walk home! *storms off onto road*

Ruth: *groans* Claudia...wait!

Claudia: *turns around* It is one thing to come here. Another to except that I'm stick here instead of my college. And I TOLD YOU that this was dangerous! And now!? Look! Sam's dead! You think it's no big deal! And you even got hurt! Oh wow, you totally fit in! Yeah right! You don't even care on what's happening to everybody else! You just think it's a joke! *Tears well up*

Ruth: No...I....*groans,  holding her head* Ah!

Claudia: *wipes some of the tears getting worried* Ruth? What's wrong?

Ruth: Ah! *tears fall down her cheeks as she holds her head in pain* M-make it s-stop!

Gabriel: *uses some grace calming her* Hey, shh, shh it's ok. I'm here for you.

Claudia: *stares at the both of them before looking down*

Ruth: *breathing heavily, leaning against Gabriel, her eyes closing*

Gabriel: *worriedly hugging her* C'mon, I'm taking you both home. Now.

Claudia: *nods before walking over*

Gabriel: *grabs ahold of Claudia before he teleports them back*

-to Dean-

Dean: *puts a medal box in the hole he dug*

?: well~ well~ Dean Winchester~ and, to what do I owe the honors to?

Dean: *turns around seeing a women dressed an a skintight black dress* I want you to bring my brother back!

Demon: I'm sorry~ can't do that~

Of Angels, Dimensions, and Winchesters  {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now