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" Jungkook I was like... you a-a criminal but instead I was force to see my father die in front of my own eyes having his blood from the ax blade spatter against my face and clothing... After I went home and killed my mom two days later for wanting to be in gang but the gang left and I was on my own to find a new life. I walk all the way over from district to Buscan... that's when I found you an- "

   " I worked at a coffee shop called the Finest coffee in Buscan "

Jungkook says stopping me from finishing what I was about to say 

" You remember... "

  " Yea and after you left the next time I saw you was when were sitting on a bench looking at the sunset while I was on the way to my classes and I asked you if you wanted a place to stay and you came and that's when you revealed who are... "

" Who was I Jungkook and what was my full name? "

I say questioning him to make sure he actually is starting to regain his memory

  " You were the serial killer that killed those three "

" Two "

"  those two girls... "

His eyes went big as if he actually react how he acted when he was innocent Jungkookie finally knowing that he let a serial killer into his home

" K-Kim Taehyung "

He says and then there was knock on the door he jumps sightly just like he used to do

I walk over to the front door and open it

The woman that I open the door to is no other then Jisso

My mom

She stumbles closer to me and then wraps me into a hug and then let's go and looks at me

" Come in and sit down "

I say holding her arm to give her support

She walks in and I shut the door behind her

She slowly walks towards Jungkook and places her hand on his forehead

She wispers something

Jungkook closes his eyes suddenly

I walk quickly towards her about to take her hand off of Jungkook's forehead when she turns around to me

" Taehyung I-I haved enter my last life and gain powers for helping adding on lives to whom ever I chose and I'm giving Jungkook them and his memory back "

She says

  " B-But how could you be on your last life? "

" Taehyung I tricked my lives into staying young so perhaps you will still know me in your new life but something went wrong and I have been punish to disappear from the face of earth forever but before I go since I tricked my lives I have to give my future lives to someone "

She says and then turns back around to Jungkook

She takes her hand off of his forehead and smiles at me

" Taehyung let him sleep he will be up the next day but so long Taehyung I love you so much and remember dad does to "

She says

Before I can respond back she fades out with sparkles left behind that also fade away after

" I love you too mom "

I say to myself

I pick up Jungkook and lay him on the couch

I lay right beside him and his cheek softly

" Tomorrow Jungkook tomorrow "

Are you Calling Me a Sinner?《Taekook》|Completed|Where stories live. Discover now