I Wish - Zayn Malik

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 Niall,Louis and Liam left Harry and Sam in the venue to look for Zayn. They checked Zayn everywhere.

Niall: ZAAAAAYYYNNN! Where are you????

Louis:  Zayn? Zayn? are you there?

Niall: Loueh, did you found him?

Louis: No, i didn't

*they searched and searched for Zayn ....

Until Liam found him in a dark corner. Zayn was so stunned.

Liam : Zayn? What are you doing here? why did you left us there? Is there any problem?

Zayn: ........... Ummmm, nothing Liam.

Liam : C'mon, I know you have problem mate, tell me maybe i can help you.

*Niall and Louis found them *

Niall: Whew! You're just here Zayn

Louis: We looked for you everywhere.

Liam : Shh , he's saying something.  go ahead Zayn

Zayn : I once spent a time with her, It was the day before we left for our tour. When I first laid out my eyes on her I was amazed and attracted. She's a lovely girl. All the traits that i'm finding in a girl was just in her already. And I know  that Harry loves her as a  best friend. And I think I fell in love with Sam.

Liam : oh i'm so sorry Zayn, this can't be . Harry and Sam are now together.

*Zayn was shocked, and the  tears formed in his eyes, as he talks tears starts to fall slowly *

Zayn : I left you guys because I can't stand seeing them being  so romantic. Everytime I see Sam is happy beside Harry, it's like my world starts to crash. The feeling inside that I couldn't breathe because of jealousy. So i just left. I know it's already impossible that Sam and I are going to be together. What can I do? My heart chose her.

Niall: Oh Zayn, *he feels pity for Zayn*

Zayn : I wish it was me dancing with Sam a while ago under the moonlight, I want to hold her soft hands hear her angelic voice. I wish it was me with her right now. Now, all of these wishes will be just wasted.I should've told my feelings for her long time ago.

Liam: okay Zayn, This is the first time that we saw you cried for a girl. You really love her.

Louis: Do you really want to talk to her right now?

Zayn : .... *sobs * yeah, i'm dying to talk to her, I just want to say what I feel about her.In fact, before we left, I already made a video saying all my feelings about her. I dedicated a song for her. This is the tape ...

Niall: hmmmm..

Louis : Do you know what i'm thinking?

Niall: AHA! yeah ...

Louis: Liam, Niall, Zayn, let's make a plan.

*Louis,Niall, Liam and Zayn made a plan of how Zayn is going to talk to Sam. *

Louis : I will take Harry to the  Supermarket to buy all the  foods for Sam's Birthday later. Niall and Liam set up the video in the movie room. Zayn be ready for what you are going to say.. alright?

Niall : Alright! let's start now :)

Liam : not now, I suggest that we should do this later. For now, I think we should go to sleep it's already half past three  in the morning. Zayn, don't worry, we'll help you. you rest first.

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