James licked his hand removing some of the goo that now covered the top of his hand. His breath was harsh and his back slumped down onto his bed. He couldn't believe he resorted to this. It was cliche, nasty, and seemed like a sick reminder of adolescence. His tan body was sore with the morning struggle. Morning was a joke. It was 2:14 A.M, the ungodly hour assured him Aleks wasn't to be the wiser.
James closed his eyes but he couldn't sleep. Every inch of his beard seemed to itch with excitment. He was way past going back to bed, and yet he lacked the strength to move. It was like his body was being affected by gravity harder than before. His arm would twitch up before slumping back down against the grey sheet.
He turned his head slowly to the left, looking out the window that was shut, making streams of silver light flow out of the cracks in the blinds. A dull reminder that it was still night. He felt his member twitch as it slumped to a softer state. He felt guilty. He felt like he could've held on longer. Waited maybe for the man of his dreams to kiss his lips and say he loved James.
Unfortunately James didn't see that coming at all. A 25 year old "Video-Game-Star" didn't expect to be respected by any more than his teenage fans all high on hormones and jacking off to anything they could find.
James sighed and forced himself up finally. He could feel like it was gonna be a long day.