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Longest drive of my life. It felt like we were driving in dust and dirt roads for centuries. It was so bad that you couldn't see anything in front of the car. I was hoping we'd crash and I wouldn't have to go to camp. As we were driving, I started to realize how far up in the mountains Blue Ridge Camp is. I'll admit the view was pretty, but that didn't change my mind about wanting to come. As I became lost in my thoughts my ears started to pop. Great. That would probably happen everyday for the next two months. Thanks a lot, Satan. I watch the wind blow a gentle breeze through the trees as we pass a sign that says "Camp This Way".
We drove into the main gate, and then I realized another thing that day. This camp was huge. We drove up a hill to what seemed to be the "highest point" on Camp. You could see everything. There was the row of cabins on top of the hill and some on the bottom. There was a pool, a lake, a football field, huge tennis courts, random buildings scattered across the land, and there was a huge soccer field on the other side of camp. As soon as we were at the top, we were heading toward the bottom. We pulled around past what looked like a dining hall and parked in front of the main office. I got out of the car and looked around. It smelled very airy and fresh, much nicer than it was back home. As I was lost in my thoughts, I heard the main office door open and close. My aunt walked out in jean capris and a blue tank top.
"Welcome to Blue Ridge." She said as she gave me a hug.
"I'm ecstatic." I said sarcastically. She rolled her eyes and laughed. She then hugged my mom and my dad, greeting them as well.
"So you're just gonna drive her stuff up to her cabin and I'll unpack her and then you guys can be on your way." She said to my mom and dad. We got back in the car and drove past the dining hall and up to what was called "girls row". Outside the window I could see 5 units of two cabins each, three on one side and two on the other. I would be in cabin 18 as I had come to learn. When we pulled up to cabin 18, I noticed it wasn't very big. How was I gonna live with 7 other girls and two counselors?? This was already torture. I got out of the car and walked immediately into the cabin. There was no one inside, but everyone's stuff was unpacked and there was a single bed in the corner, which I guessed belonged to me. The room was filled with colorful bedspreads and tons of clothes, bags, food, notebooks, and makeup. This place is a mess, I thought to myself. There's no way it's gonna stay clean because it's not like I'm exactly "organized" either. My goodbye with my parents was quick. They looked around the cabin, said things like "we'll write" and "we'll miss you". Basically everything in the "Goodbyes For Dummies" handbook. And as soon as they were there, they were gone. It was only 11:30, so lunch would be really soon. Aunt Lynn said we could unpack and get my space together and then go to the dining hall for lunch, where I could meet my cabin. Fun. I had some wall space in my corner and a few cubbies for my stuff. They rest of it could go on the shelf above my bed or under the bed.I unpacked my songbooks and stuff and set them on my shelf along with my lucky guitar pick. I put my clothes away and organized everything else.
"Ready for lunch?" Lynn asked.
No, my head said.
"Ready as I'll ever be."

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