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While eating, I started noticing more about Sophia. She had ivory skin with little orange freckles plastered across her nose. Her hair was long and flowing, and matched the color of her freckles. She had a little button nose and icy blue eyes. She was pretty. I looked around the dining hall more, examining the other people. My eyes stopped as they read the sign "7&8". I looked in that direction and saw that the senior boys sat two tables down from us. I looked around that table. My eyes were drawn to a small-looking curly haired boy with freckles. He was sitting there laughing hysterically with his friends. I glanced around the dining hall some more. There were cabin plaques plastered all over the walls, some even dating back to 1975. They announced lunch was over and I quietly walked back to my cabin. By the time I got back, the other girls and Sophia were already in there.
They were sitting in law chairs at the center of the cabin, conversing in a circle.
"Pop a squat." said Stella. I walked over to my bed and grabbed the chair propped up against it and carried it to the center. I noticed that the center of the conversation seemed to be around Ella.
"So Ella, tell us all about it. What did you guys do last night?" questioned Julia. I assumed she was talking about Ella's boyfriend, Alex.
"We kinda just made out for a while. It was really sweet." Ella giggled.
"Awww." They all seemed to say in unison.
"Ok changing the subject, Caroline. See any cute guys yet?" Court said as she looked at me.
" I haven't really had a good chance to look but when we go down to activities I suppose I'll get a better look." I said. My schedule at camp was pretty much the same every day. I wake up at 7:30 (7:50, because my cabin sleeps in), go to the dining hall for breakfast. Clean the cabin afterwards, then we go to activities untill lunch. Since I'm a "senior", I can go wherever I want, unlike the younger kids. After lunch, we have rest hour, then afternoon activities. Then we have time before dinner to shower and stuff. When dinner is over we have an evening activity. On saturdays we sleep in. That would be my life for the next two months. I sat there in that circle listening to the conversation and sometimes joining in. Something was different. I was a part of something. I had never felt this before. Too bad they don't play instruments. That would've given us more to talk about I guess, but we managed to find something. The temperature increased as the day moved on, so I decided to change into shorts and a tank top instead of my jeans and shirt. I totally packed the wrong wardrobe. After changing I looked around the cabin some more. There was a single broken fan on the ceiling, but everyone had already brought their own fans, so it wouldn't get hot. There were three showers in the bathroom, but they were small. The floor was wet and I assumed it would stay that way. When it was time for activities, my cabin and I walked out the door and onto the porch. Everyone except Sophia scurried down the hill, already knowing where to go, unlike me.
"Wanna go to tennis? It's really fun and-."
"I think I'm just gonna explore for a bit. Will you meet me by the football field at, lets say, four?" I said
"Sure. Go give yourself a mini tour. I'll see you later." She waved and walked down the hill. That abandoned soccer field seemed like a nice place to think and find some peace, so I decided to head there. I passed the pool, walked pass the gym, and the tennis courts. I was still receiving looks from random people around camp. I arrived at the soccer field, and looked around for a while. I needed some alone time. The soccer field was scattered with uncut grass, old soccer balls, and some trash. A perfect place where no one would go. I sat down and propped myself up against a tree and closed my eyes.

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