Chapter 1 Escaping

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Picture of Village above

The rain came down hard on my naked body cold like ice on my skin i ran fast trying to get away from the monsters that were behind me all 15 of them...

my father my two brothers my uncle my three cousins and the other male villagers they were getting closer i could hear there

chanting getting louder and louder and there hands banging on there drums growing stronger


they yelled, i felt my legs getting weak and i knew my body was going to collapse

"please Allah do not let them catch me "

i whispered to myself begging god to let me escape but then i felt a whip hit my back and i screamed in pain as i fell to the ground the chanting stopped and

the drums stopped and my father stood in front of all the men and boys and told them

"get the pig and take her and prepare her "

i laid there waiting

for mika and shika my two older brother's to grab me and they did both of them took me by my legs dragging me on the ground like a dead animal from hunting...

the others followed behind laughing and smiling proud that they caught me,

we reached our village and mika and shika took me inside our home and laid me down on the table to clean me and prepare me

i never spoke to them and they never spoke to me they just did what they always did every month on Friday...

prepare me they prepare me for the others and for themselves and also for father

as i laid there while they washed me down and took care of my injuries i looked back on when mamma was here

before everything went wrong before our once happy and beautiful village in Nigeria turned into destruction and rot and ruin it was many years ago many many years ago...


"Onye mere nwa nebe akwa Egbe mere nwa nebe akwa Weta uziza weta ose Weta ngaji nkuru ofe Umu nnunu aracha ya Eh! Eh! amaghim onye owu"

sang mamma while she painted my face in our village colors

orange and green stripes going across my head and my cheeks she kept singing the lullaby again and again smiling at me sweetly

the words that shes singing are "Who made my baby cry Hawk made my baby cry Bring leaf and pepper Bring spoon let me collect soup Birds have finished Eh! Eh! I don't know"

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