The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction -- Prologue, Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: Zootopia stories, characters, settings, and properties belong to the Walt Disney Co. This story is written under Fair Use Copyright laws.


The Fire Triangle - A Zootopia Fanfiction

Prologue - Escape From Zoo York


Prologue - Chapter 4

Zeke Zinnemann was like a grenade with the pin pulled...20 seconds ago!

"COPS!" The Alaskan Brown Bear roared; he sounded as if he was trying to be heard over the rush of a speeding freight-train, "CAWWWWWWPS!"

The effect on the others was galvanic; everyone was instantly on their feet, with half the gang making fast draws inside their coats...except for Denis McCrodon who paused to give his wheelchair-bound brother a look that could snuff out a burning oil-well at 1000 yards distance

The Mister either didn't notice or didn't care—or maybe he was simply too deep in denial to take notice of his brother. Whatever the reason, he was already halfway out of his seat.

"What?! That jerk wouldn't dare, he knows what I got on him!"

He pulled out his cell phone, punching in numbers with furious fingers.

Meanwhile Gerry McCrodon had Zeke Zinneman by the arm.

"How many, Zeke? How may cops?"

The bear shrugged and shivered and then answered him in a voice like a squeaky wagon wheel.

"E-Every cop on the force, it looks like."

The dance floor fell instantly into shocked silence; what, THAT many officers?

But then, above their heads, the billboard-size big-screen flashed to life and a multi-screen image appeared—Finagles' parking lot, deserted and empty, the only sign of life a scattering of papers, tumbling across the lower end of the screen.

Everyone looked...and saw that the 'cell phone' in the Mister's paw was actually the video remote, and that he was holding it high over his head, as if preparing to cast it down like Zeus hurling a thunderbolt.

"Don't, you'll break it," someone started to say, but the sea-mink had already tossed the remote to one of his body guards and seized Zeke by the shirt-front.

"Cops?" he snarled, pulling himself nose to nose with the brown bear and throwing an angry paw upwards at the display screen, "WHAT cops? You see any cops up there, moron?!"

But when the sea-mink happened to glance sideways, hrm? Why were none of others sharing his anger at Zeke? In fact...why did they seem more horrified than ever?

Slowly, haltingly, The Mister turned to look up at the monitor again.

He nearly fell over sideways in his chair; the parking lot wasn't empty NOW, it was wall to wall police officers out there...all of them in tac-gear, and many of them fitted out with large-caliber weapons. Clearly visible behind the officers was a phalanx of armored vehicles.

"Where the heck did they get all that stuff?" an incredulous Gerry McCrodon demanded, of no one in particular, "There ain't that much armor in the whole, stinkin' Zoo York Lion Guard!"

Someone might have answered him but just then, as the gang-members all stared upwards in shocked amazement, the screen filled briefly with a flurry of snow, and when it blew away, the parking lot was once more deserted...and there were those same papers, blowing across the bottom of the screen like a scrolling newsfeed.

The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fan-Fiction -- Prologue, Escape From Zoo YorkWhere stories live. Discover now