June (Part One)

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Summer has finally decided to make an appearance. The weather outside is the best it has been all year. The sun is shining brightly on the world causing everyone to lose all of their clothing, or so it appears. A heat-wave has been forecasted for the rest of the week, getting up to highs of thirty degrees Celsius which is making the nights unbearable.

At the moment it seems like I am unable to sleep for numerous reasons. Either Erin is waking me up in the middle of the night, I'm stressing out about an exam or it is simply just too hot to sleep. Last night was a mixture of all three.

"Are you ready for your exam this morning?" my mum asks when I finally make my way downstairs.

"I don't even remember which exam I have," I respond through a yawn while grabbing a slice of toast to it.

"English lit Kristen," my mum replies back, probably thinking that I actually didn't know what exam I had.

"Thanks," I tell her sarcastically. "Do you think she will be alright at Mary- Anne's?" I ask my mum nodding my head in the direction of Erin who is finally asleep in her high chair.

For the majority of the night she was up crying with a temperature. The heat from outside also wasn't helping.

"I'm sure she will be fine. She's more than likely just got a bug from one of the other kids there. Also Mary-Anne is always dealing with kids that ill. I'm sure she will just be glad that Erin hasn't got a runny nose. The last thing her place needs is more snot," my mum reassures me.

I nod at her while taking a sip of my coffee which I had made while she was talking. "Am I taking her over to Mary-Anne's again so you and Cory can go straight to the exam? Speaking of which, where is Cory?" she then asks.

"Shower and yeah that would be great thanks," I say to her as I carry on drinking.

I take a seat at the table next Erin and get my revision notes out for one last read through before the exam. All the words blur in front me and I end up reading the same sentence about twenty times before Cory finally joins us.

"How is it eight in the morning and already so warm?" is the greeting he gives us before he bends down and gives Erin a kiss on her head.

"It's only going to get warmer," my mum tells him as if doesn't already know that.

"Is she any better?" he asks me, talking about Erin.

We had taken it turns to get up with her last night, resulting in neither of us being able to keep our eyes open for my than thirty seconds.

"I don't know. At least she is sleeping now," I comment, looking at her little eyelids which are fluttering while she sleeps.

"I gave her some medicine earlier when I brought her down here. Her temperature was high then," my mum interrupts. "Hopefully it should be bringing it down."

I place a hand over Erin's forehead for a few seconds. "She still feels warm to me but that might also be because of the weather," I suggest as I wipe my already sweaty hand against my trousers.

"Well Mary-Anne will keep an eye on her and you should be finished by lunchtime so you don't have to part from her for too long. You two better be going now otherwise you'll be late," my mum then says.

Reluctantly I gather all of my school stuff so that I am ready to leave. I kiss both Erin and my mum goodbye before leaving the house with Cory. Immediately the warmth from the sun hits us even more than it did inside and it gets to the point where I am sure that I am baking alive.

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