July (Part One)

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It took us a few days before we were finally able to get Erin properly settled again at home after she had been in hospital. The nights were much disrupted, even more so than usual and it didn't help that we had to go back to hospital every other day for her to be checked up on. After about a week of check-ups, the hospital finally gave us the 'okay' that she didn't need to come in anymore and luckily that coincided with the last of our exams. It then became easier to give Erin a routine again, one that didn't involve driving all around the place.

A part of me thought that summer would be slightly less stressful as I don't have school or exams to think about but instead I have been busy planning a party for Erin's first birthday. I've not even had the chance to think about it too much with everything that has happened. My mind has focused on school, and then the drama in the hospital and suddenly it feels like it has just popped out at us.

I've spent the week deciding what to buy Erin for her birthday, not really sure what you should buy a one year old. I have spent far too many hours of my life wondering around toy shops, more than I care to admit. A lot of the toys seem too old for her or the ones I do like someone else has already bought for her, which is something that has pissed me off. Surely being her mum means that I get to dictate what other people buy for her?

The morning of her birthday finally arrives with the sounds of Erin crying, jolting us awake. Cory is the one who gets out of bed first but I decide there is no point sleeping in any longer, knowing that there is a lot to be done for today.

The party is being thrown in the afternoon. It is not going to be a huge celebration, just family and friends in the garden but there are still decorations that need to be hung and food to prepare.

"Morning," I greet Cory through a yawn as I walk towards the kettle, eager to make myself a coffee. "And happy birthday to you," I kiss the top of Erin's head who is oblivious of anything going on. All she cares about is the bottle that she is drinking.

"Morning. Did you manage to finish wrapping all the presents?" Cory asks as I perch myself down on the sofa next to him.

"Just about. Pretty sure I almost fell asleep on top of them," I tell him through a laugh while remembering the small pile of presents I volunteered to wrap last minute. "What time does your parents train get in at the station?" I ask him even though I know I've already asked him this before.

"Just before eleven. They should get here before noon so that they are able to help set things up for later," he replies just as Erin takes the last sip of her milk.

I motion for Cory to hand her over to me so that I can have a cuddle with the birthday girl. Soon she is in my arms, reaching up to try and pull on my hair which is currently down. She takes a firm grasp of a lock and pulls on it with all of her might, causing me to yelp in pain. This only then encourages her to do it more and laugh while doing so.

"Could you find me a bobble please before she makes me bald?" I ask Cory after trying to get Erin to stop tugging on my hair with little success.

A few moments later he returns, handing me the bobble so I quickly tie my hair up before Erin has the chance to hurt me anymore.

"It's a good job it's your birthday otherwise I would have been really mad," I tell Erin who is staring at me intensely, looking like she is listening to every word I say. I hear Cory chuckle to himself while he is in the kitchen, making himself a drink.

"When are we doing presents?" Cory asks when he enters the room again.

"Probably when my mum is up, unless you want to wait until your family arrives?" I ask him.

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