I felt raindrops fall on my cheek
Then down my hand.
I felt raindrops run down my arms
But i didn't mind,
I didn't mind at all;
Because for once I felt free.
I felt connected with nature,
With the universe.
I felt euphoric.
It felt magical,
Because for once
I got to forget about the world.
I got to forget about problems.
I got to forget about over-valued material
things and external beauty.
And instead, enjoyed the beauty of nature.
That wonderful and loud beauty
that yells for you.
That beauty that we neglet.
That beauty that demands to be heard.
Strong and powerful.
And i felt it.
It was a blissful moment.
I felt like everything inside me finally escaped.
No secrets, no regrets. No noise at all,
Just the rain and me.
I smiled, as tiny sky tears kept falling.
I felt raindrops fall on my cheek,
Then down my hand.
I felt raindrops run down my arms
But i didn't mind,
I didn't mind at all.
- t.n.