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That's when he heard it. The faint sound of something dragging, it was coming from somewhere near by. 

The teen then walked towards the sound to find it was coming from all the way in the kitchen. Where he found little boy glaring at him. The little boy had red glowing eyes, the darkest brown hair, and tiny little fangs poking out of his mouth. The boy reminded him of someone he knew.

"DEREK?" He screeched see to shocked.

The angry child stomped his feet as he walked towards Stiles, from the other side of the kitchen, with an accusing angry finger pointed at him.

"This is ridiculous! This is what I get for liking you! I turned into a toddler, " the baby sneered at the taller man. "Why couldn't we just got her before this happened!" Derek stormed around the lofts small kitchen. 

"Awe Derek," the teen coed at the small version of Derek picking him up. Do you think you're going to start talking like I did? The small childish talk, you know, when you start missing letters, letter's like R's and S's," the teen rambled.

"Put Me Down," the baby growled at him.

"Awe, come on Derek. You have to put your fangs away," the taller boy tried to coax him out of his wolf form. The teen started tickling him. 

"I can't," the wolf barked out. "I've been trying since she turned me this way!"

" This is too cute," Stiles giggled while moving Derek's small arms and legs around checking the toddler out. "You're like a sixth of the size you were," the boy snickered.

The teen took out his phone and started taking Selfies with the grumpy baby wolf.

"Stiles!" The boy growled. "I swear to god if you send those to anyone I will seriously bite you!"

"Just relax. The pack has to know you're back...." Stiles drifted off, face drawing blank, as he realized what he said. The pack wasn't really a pack or family anymore.

"What? What is it? What's wrong Stiles?" Derek asked his wolf form siding slightly in panic.

"Um, about the pack..." Stiles started.

"What about the pack Stiles!" His fangs elongated again, his claws coming out as well.

"We.. Uh.. We.. Um, kind of separated while you were gone," the teen scratched the back of his neck with his free hand.

"What do you mean by separated?" The toddler glared his glowing red eyes on the teen.

"You know, parted ways. We all went in different directions; Erica is a cheerleader, Boyd's on the Football team, Scott is actually doing really well in school, Allison is still kicking ass with her archery and hunting skills, and Lydia is back to being, well, Lydia." The teen explained to the toddler sadly.

"Wow, I leave for 6 months and this is what happens to my pack? I thought you guys had gotten past all your differences." The tiny alpha growled squirming out of Stiles' arms and onto the ground with a small thud.

"Derek you've been gone for six months! No one wanted to keep searching but me! You were the one that never gave up on me. So I wasn't going to for you." Stiles exclaimed hands waving wildly in the air.

"What? Text them all, now," he demanded the teen to do, stomping his little foot.

"Alright, alright, so vicious for a teny tiny Alpha," Stiles teased getting a growl back in response. "Yup, nothing has changed with you besides your size."

The teen texted the pack to meet up at the loft as soon as possible. He knew it was going to be a while since everyone was busy doing whatever they did without him. None of them really talk to him anymore, not even Scott. He was so busy with finding Derek, he wasn't there for him when Scott needed him. 

"Are you hungry?" The teen asked the small man turned toddler. The toddlers stomach growled loudly just then, almost like it was there to remind him he hadn't eaten. 

"Yea," the alpha sighed walking around his kitchen.

"Has no one been here since I left?" Derek asked after opening the fridge door to find moldy cheese and rotten milk on the shelves.

"Not really, Issac was around for the first couple of months but he moved into Scott's. I stay here sometimes, but I don't usually eat when I'm here." Stiles explained as he got down some Kraft dinner, that he remembered was there from when he was in Derek's position.

"Or at all," the teen muttered to himself has his stomach growled at him.

Stiles was too worried and busy looking for Derek to eat anything. No one really knows how he kept going all these months. He'd only eat when he could find time near a place with curly fries. 

Baby Hale (I Gave Up Writing This) Where stories live. Discover now