The Angel of Norstrum

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"Cyrus hear reason! You have gone mad if you wish to venture out into the darkness for some girl!" She scurried around the room, attempting to keep up with him as he gathered his belongings.

Cyrus turned to her, a new fire burning in his eyes. Never before had she seen him look like this. He had never looked at her like that, ever. "Would you dare leave me for her?.. Or do I wish to know your answer?" she stepped back as his hand met the doorknob.

Lifting her chin, Cyrus wiped off her silent tears,"Rosalind," he smiled warmly, tears briming in his eyes as well,"I have stayed by your side for six moons have I not? When your father was sick did I not tend to him? When the frost ruined our crops did I not walk for damn near four days to fetch you food? You and I know that we will always have something. Perhaps, it wasn't what we originally thought it was."

Rosalind flung herself onto the door, blocking him as she fought back her pain,"She could never love you like I can! She can never match me!"

"My dear, that's precisely what I hoped for."

Gently, Cyrus pushed her aside. Slinging his pack over his shoulder, he opened the door, giving way to the figid air that so desperately wanted inside.

Off in the distance, Norstum Castle sat silent, waiting. Cyrus knew what waited for him at that castle. He knew what evil resided in the dark fog that lingered around its borders.

If there were any hope of saving Eliza, Cyrus would have to hurry before sunrise. At sunrise, all hope of seeing the face of his angel again would be lost.

Cyrus murmured under his breath, trudging throught the thick layer of snow that blanketed the ground,"I will not let him harm you my love, I will not let him win."

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