Chpt. 1

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Alesia is a small girl from a small town. She was invisible. She and her family are nothing Alike. Her mom always has a bottle in hand. Her dad is either passed out on the couch or no where to be seen because Times are hard.

She walks into school in her thrift store clothes. Her parents are jobless and they all live in an old boarded up house. Her pale complexion shows her tear streaks all too well and her fresh scars are covered by her long sleeves. She walks down the hallways trying to be as invisible as possible. It usually works but this time she wasn't so lucky. "Ewwww it's Alesia! I bet your mom is neck deep in a bottle of fireball." A gorgeous girl with a limited vocabulary unless it was about some sort of bull shit. "No she's not." Alesia said trying to be non confrontational. She hated when people talked about her mom but she knew it was true. "So she got clean after what 16, 17 years of not caring about you?" She challenged the girl. She had a point, Alesia's mom doesn't care, she never has. "Fuck off baelie." She said in just above a whisper. "Wow I hope you don't talk to your daddy with that mouth. Or do you even talk to him at all." Baelie said. Alesia was dumbfounded at how much Baelie knew. She walked away with silent tears rolling down her face. Her once bright blue eyes now blood shot. Her pale white skin now red and tear stained. She walks, head hung low, never making eye contact. They say the eyes are the window to the soul. If anyone looked into the blue sorrowful eyes of Alesia Carter all they would see was tears. She walked like that till she reached her class. Don't let her background deceive you, Alesia was smart. She never got less than an A in all her classes. She takes her seat in the back of the room where she would hopefully not be noticed. She never made eye contact with the teacher. Few minutes after her, her brother walked in with the people Alesia called family more than she did her own parents. Sarow Kalid Gray Carter was a year older than his little sister he cared so much about. His friends thought of the small girl as a little sister, and if you touch her she'll shatter. Alesia knee this and loved them all for it. "Alesia how has today been." Her big brother questioned curiously. Everything about him changed around her, he was sweet, when typically he kept a scowl on his face she made him smile. "I had some bumps but I'm fine." The sad little girl said faking a beautiful smile. "I see right through you. Who?" He asked because he knows his sister was hurting. Alesia wouldn't make eye contact with Sarow as if she was ashamed. "I know you're lying tell me." He said making her look him dead in the eyes. He was the only one who could do this. "I got into a little argument with someone but it's fine." She said looking back down to avoid him seeing her watery eyes. "About what?" He interrogated his baby sister. "Mom and Dad." She said getting quieter than she already was. "Who?" He said his voice quiet to the point it scared his little sister. "Baelie." She mumbled. With his hands now fists, Alesia grabbed them and unclenched her brothers fists. "Don't do anything Sarow, this is my problem." Alesia said to keep her brother from doing something he might regret. They say the eyes are the window to the soul. If anyone looked into the blue eyes of Sarow Carter all you would see was anger but if little Alesia Carter looked into the eyes of her brother all she would see was the love Sarow had for his sweet baby sister.
Alesia, Sarow, and Astion walk down the hall not speaking one word. Astion Liam Graham is the son of a one night stand. His mom a hooker Who was payed to sleep with a very powerful man. He has practically raised himself and his little half sister Alias. Alesia, Sarow, and Astion get out the building and run. No one saying a word and the feeling of school fading away.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2017 ⏰

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