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she walked into the small cafe, the smell of coffee inviting her. her eyes grazed over the scene of the small shop and found the person she was looking for. taking a deep breath, she began her stride over to him.

his gaze met hers as he saw her walking over to where he was sitting. he had so much to say, and he assumed she did as well. he watched as she approached his table and took the seat in front of him.

"you came." he was able to somehow find his voice.

"we couldn't just keep texting about this. we needed to talk in person." she replied, settling back in her seat.

"i know, i know." he nodded.

"so, where shall we begin? from when we first had problems?" she began.

"i know we were never the perfect couple, but we still persevered through any challenges we had. until i went and personally fu- i mean, messed things up." he shook his head, angry at himself. he has been resentful at his decisions for a while now.

"lust had filled me and i was just blinded by her. she could never compare to you, i soon learned. i'm sorry i put you through so much pain, i don't know what thinking."

she smiled bitterly at the table before slowly moving her gaze up to his eyes.

"i'm not mad at you. at least, not anymore. it's been a couple of months and i've had time to heal." she let out slowly.

"are you with hoseok now?"

the question caught her off guard and she had to take a moment to think on it.


the answer had surprised him.

"hoseok and i are friends. he helped me get through the breakup and continued to support me. he never saw me more than that and it's the same with me. he's one of my closest friends."

"it's been awkward in our dorm. i guess i was the one who did that. i was angry and i thought he was going after you. god, i'm so stupid," he sighed.

"yep. anyways, i'm guessing you're still with jennie, right?"

he stayed silent for a moment before slowly nodding his head.

"i haven't broken up with her yet. i just haven't been talking to her lately. she got casted into yg or something, and she's been too busy to talk to me."

"do you still like her?"

"not as much as i loved you."

she sighed and leaned back in her seat.

"this is why we needed to talk. you can't keep doing this, i'm trying to move on."

"then stop trying. be with me again, i swear i won't mess up again." he begged. she looked away and closed her eyes.

"i can't."

"why not? i love you and you said you loved me? why can't we be together again?"

"because, yoongi, there's a difference between 'i love you' and 'i'm in love with you'."

there was a silence between, the small noise of chatter and cup clinking surrounding them. she took a deep breath and looked at him.

"yes, i love you. but i can't be with you."

"you know, no matter what, i'll always be in love with you."

she gave him a sad smile.

"yet you still went for her."

he looked down. she reached over and grabbed his hand, causing him to look back up.

"i love you, yoongi, maybe i'll love you forever, who knows? but we're not meant to be, so please stop hurting yourself. find someone who's better for you."

"there's no one better for me than you."

"yoongi, you know that's not--"

"who brought me out of my depression? who made me overcome my alcohol problems? who sang me to sleep when i had insomnia? that was you, wendy. you took care of me when no one else did."

"i'm not only one with a heart in this world, yoongi. trust me when i say you'll find someone new. it'll just take some time, and that's okay."

he sat in silence as he thought over what she said. he didn't want to let her go; he still missed her. but it seemed like this was the best option for them to stop hurting.

"take care of yourself, yoongi." wendy smiled as she stood up. he could see her tears she fought back. he stood up and embraced her for last time.

"thanks. for everything good you have done in my life," he grinned at her as they pulled apart.

and with a small smile and goodbye, he watched her walk out of the small coffee shop, her long waves of hair flowing after her.

maybe one day, in the right place at the right time, they'll be two strangers starting anew again.

but for now, they must part their ways.


eh this chapter could've been better, but then again i say that like all my chapters 😩😩

anyways, i still have no idea who wendy is going to end up lol maybe i'll bring in someone from outside bangtan👀or maybe she'll be a strong independent woman who don't need no man

idk yet, btw taehyung has been wrecking my bias list with his beautiful fluffy hair
anyways vote + comment !! have a good day/night❤️

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